Democratic Culture in Israel and in the World, Volume XII

This volume contains articles on the legal-political development of the Israeli declaration of independence, national identity in Israel and its reflection in the changing images of the national “Other,” religion, class, and political action in religious Zionism in Israel, the culture of compromise in American democracy, the imagined communities of archeology, and the essence of marriage in twentieth-century halakhic rulings.

A joint publication of IDI and Bar-Ilan University Press and Law School, Democratic Culture in Israel and the World is a trailblazing academic journal that serves as a platform for research and scholarly debate on both the universal aspects of democratic culture, as well as on questions related exclusively to Israeli democracy, with a focus on the relationship between the institutions and substance of democracy and the unique characteristics of Judaism and Zionism.

Volume XII contains articles on the legal-political development of the Israeli declaration of independence, national identity in Israel and its reflection in the changing images of the national "Other," religion, class, and political action in religious Zionism in Israel, the culture of compromise in American democracy, the imagined communities of archaeology, and the essence of marriage in twentieth-century halakhic rulings.

Michael Feige
The Imagined Communities of Archaeology: On Nationalism, Otherness and Surfaces

Nissim Leon
Religion, Class, and Political Action in Religious Zionism in Israel

Benyamin Neuberger
The Amish, the Rule of Law and Freedom of Religion - The Culture of Compromise in American Democracy

Ariel Picard
"According to the Law of Moses and Israel" - The Essence of Marriage According to the Halakhic Decisors of the Twentieth Century: Civil Marriage as a Test Case

Yaacov Yadgar
From Within and from Without: National Identity in Israel and Its Reflection in the Changing Images of the National Other

Uri Zilbersheid
The Legal-Political Development of the Israeli Declaration of Independence – A Victory of the Bourgeois Democratic Concept

Ariel L. Feldestein
Did It Really Hang on One Vote? The Meeting of the People's Administration on the Eve of the Establishment of the State of Israel