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Public trust in mass media - Breaking, turning and soaring?

Public trust in mass media - Breaking, turning and soaring?

Last year the Democracy Index pointed to an all-time low in public trust in the media. However, in 2017 it seems that the trend has reversed. Why?

Haredi women lead change

Haredi women lead change

Are women leading the change in ultra-Orthodox society or are they preserving their unique way of life? Learn more about the tension between the possibilities that the modern world offers ultra-Orthodox women and the many complex challenges facing them. 

Living in Dignity

Living in Dignity

Our Democracy Index shows that while Israel’s citizens love their country and are optimistic about its future, they feel a lack of confidence about their personal futures.

Will an Amendment to Israel's National Security Law Change the Rules of the Game?

Will an Amendment to Israel's National Security Law Change the Rules of the Game?

In the US and more recently in Israel there is public discussion over the principled issues of the balance between the different branches of government in matters of national security and the proper mechanism to create accountability in these matters are universal. 

Is President Trump’s public declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel in Israel's best interest?
Press Release

Is President Trump’s public declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel in Israel's best interest?

In light of President Trump's Declaration on Jerusalem: a large majority of the Jewish public think President Trump’s public declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel was in Israel's best interest; a clear majority (over 60%) of the Israeli public agrees that Jerusalem is already divided into two cities: the eastern city and the western city


5 Things You Must Know About the ultra-Orthodox Community in Israel

How many ultra-Orthodox live in Israel today? How many will watch this clip on the internet? How are ultra-Orthodox women transforming their community? How many are employed? What age to they get married?

Statistical Report on Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel
Press Release

Statistical Report on Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel

Israel Democracy Institute and the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research published today the 2017 Statistical Report on Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel. The report presents trends in population, education, employment, and leisure in the ultra-Orthodox sector in Israel.

Charedi Women Increasingly Having It All

Charedi Women Increasingly Having It All

Growing numbers of ultra-Orthodox women postponing marriage to pursue a career path, new study finds.

Back to the ‘Ticking Bomb’ Doctrine

Back to the ‘Ticking Bomb’ Doctrine

The Israeli High Court of Justice’s Dec. 12 decision in Abu Ghosh v. Attorney-General provides a good opportunity to reexamine the implementation of the prohibition against torture in Israeli law almost twenty years after the court’s landmark 1999 judgment in Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, which outlawed torture.

Israel: Crying or Laughing?

Israel: Crying or Laughing?

The general picture produced by the Democracy Index is of a manic-depressive society – is this the beginning of a transition from a turbulent and confused adolescence into a quiet and steady adulthood?

How Much Do Diaspora Jews Matter To Israel?

How Much Do Diaspora Jews Matter To Israel?

At approximately eight million people, diaspora Jewry comprises the fifth tribe of Israel. The Knesset is currently debating a proposal, which among other things addresses the connection with Diaspora Jewry entitled “Israel – The Nation State of the Jewish People”.

Magnetism of Moral Reasoning

Magnetism of Moral Reasoning

Six countries – Canada, Germany, India, Israel, Poland and South Africa – are paradigm examples of modern constitutional systems where rights may be limited through the application
of a constitutional limitations clause. In each jurisdiction, the constitutionality of a rights limitation has come to rely on the principle of proportionality, and the key exercise in judicially reviewing a rights limitation is the proportionality analysis.

Israeli Democracy Index 2017
Press Release

Israeli Democracy Index 2017

Widespread dissatisfaction with Israel's leadership and institutions; Most Israelis believe Knesset has legislated undemocratic laws and oppose taking powers of judicial review away from Supreme Court; Israelis distrust the media and rely more on traditional media than social media; Israelis are optimistic in their assessment of the overall situation of the country and its future; Israeli citizens rank high in OECD scale on political involvement

The Chief of Staff’s Speech at IDI’s  Workshop

The Chief of Staff’s Speech at IDI’s Workshop

“If anything could jeopardize the IDF’s ability to fulfill its mission, it would be loss of the public’s trust. This trust is crucial to our ability to recruit young people every year and demand that they serve in the best units and risk their lives to protect Israel’s security.”
Listen to Chief of Staff, Gen. Gadi Eizenkot’s speech at the "Liberal Democracies and Their Fight against Terror" Workshop, held within the framework of IDI’s Amnon Lipkin-Shahak Program on National Security and Democracy

Israeli Jews and American Jews: The Uniting Forces are Stronger
Press Release

Israeli Jews and American Jews: The Uniting Forces are Stronger

The monthly Peace Index of the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University, published today, found that Israelis think that the forces that unite Israeli Jews and American Jews are stronger than the forces that separate them; a significant portion of the public believe that the Prime Minister failed to deal with the Iranian threat; and a significant majority of the public think that the Recommendations Law should not be approved

Are Judges Objective?

Are Judges Objective?

On the link between ‘who’ and ‘what’ in Judicial rulings

In the Race to Reform Business Regulation, Israel Still Falls behind

In the Race to Reform Business Regulation, Israel Still Falls behind

Despite making regulatory improvements, the past decade saw Israel continue its slip down the World Bank's annual ease of doing business rankings. But this descent can still be reversed.

The Israeli Facebook bill is Unenforceable
Press Release

The Israeli Facebook bill is Unenforceable

The Facebook Bill, which would allow the government to use administrative means to remove content from social networking sites, would both set a precedent and be ineffective

Where has the Oppositon gone?

Where has the Oppositon gone?

The danger of a weak opposition should not be underestimated. This situation harms most of all those populations who are not represented in government, and even harms the functioning of the government itself, which is not subjected to real criticism

IDF Report Card
Press Release

IDF Report Card

The Israelis Still believe that the IDF should be the People’s Army and Want Ultra-Orthodox People to Enlist

Two Jewish Nations and the Abyss Between Them

Two Jewish Nations and the Abyss Between Them

For many American Jews, identification with the State of Israel is a significant component of their Jewish identity.


Rabin: Warrior for Equality

Rabin: Warrior for Equality

Rabin's legacy was equal representation at decision-making levels, fair regulation of land and services in Arab towns and equality as a right that’s guaranteed to all.


Behind the Scenes of Israel's Ministerial Committee For Legislation

There are ways to transform this powerful committee into one that combines politics with professionalism, instead of being one more arena for the settling of political scores.

Who's Afraid of a Jewish State with Equality for All?

Who's Afraid of a Jewish State with Equality for All?

A state that is proud of its identity has nothing to fear from granting all its citizens equality.

Harmful Revolution: The Nation-State Bill’s Assault on Equality

Harmful Revolution: The Nation-State Bill’s Assault on Equality

Israelis must unite around a balanced arrangement that asserts that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people that guarantees equality for all its citizens.

Religion Can Be the Bridge Linking Jews and Muslims

Religion Can Be the Bridge Linking Jews and Muslims

How both faiths can use their common threads and customs as a means to connect, dialogue and cooperate.

IDI's International Advisory Council Convenes for Seventh Time

IDI's International Advisory Council Convenes for Seventh Time

From September 8 - 12, members of IDI's International Advisory Council (IAC) and distinguished guests gathered in Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC for the council’s seventh meeting.

The Employment Revolution and the Haredim Who Are Being Left Behind

The Employment Revolution and the Haredim Who Are Being Left Behind

With 50% of young Haredi men expected to enter the labor market actually those with poorer skills and abilities, there is an urgent need for an in-depth rethinking about Haredi education. 

Religion and State in Israel: Charting a New Course for 5778

Religion and State in Israel: Charting a New Course for 5778

Is our country and society doomed to continually follow the same path of repeated crisis, or has the time finally come for us to plot a new course?

This Yom Kippur, Let's Turn Down the Volume

This Yom Kippur, Let's Turn Down the Volume

A country that comes to a standstill for one whole day and doesn’t derive anything significant from it is missing the point.