The Public Intellectual in Israel
This conference will examine the Israeli public intellectual’s place in public discourse, from a historical and contemporary perspective as well as various ways of cultivating public intellectuals.

8:45 – 9:00 Reception
9:00 – 9:15 Opening remarks: Prof. Shahar Lifshitz, The Israel Democracy Institute; Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University
Dr. Shuki Friedman, Director of the Center for Religion and State, Israel Democracy Institute, Peres Academic Center
9:15 – 11:00 First Session: The Public Intellectual in Israel. Moderator: Mr. Orel Sharp
Prof. Anita Shapira, Professor Emeritus of Jewish History at Tel Aviv University
Dr. Meir Buzaglo, Department of Philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Hanoch Dagan, Senior Fellow, The Israel Democracy Institute; Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
Mr. Mohammad Darawshe, Director of Planning, Equality & Shared Society at the Givat Haviva Center and a Research Fellow at the Hartman Institute
11:00 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – 12:45 Second Session: Developing Public Intellectuals. Moderator: Ms. Orit Malka
Dr. Daniel Polisar, President of the Shalem College
Prof. Yaffa Zilbershats, Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education; Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University
Prof. Yedidia Stern, Vice President of Research at the Israel Democracy Institute; Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University
Prof. Yuli Tamir, President of Shenkar College; Former Minister of Education
12:45 – 13:15 Lunch
13:15 – 15:00 Third Session: One on One
Ms. Malka Piotrkowsky, a woman of Torah and education teaches Gemara and Halachah.
Interviewer: Mr. Oriah Mevorach
Mr. Yoram Meltzer, writer, translator, essayist, editor of "Alexon" and critic of Israeli culture and literature Interviewer: Ms. Yael Fish
Dr. Ruth Calderon, former MK; Senior researcher at the Hartman Institute and a staff member at the Mandel Leadership Institute
Interviewer: Mr. Noam Hoffman
Rabbi Chaim Navon, Rabbi, writer and publicist
Interviewer: Mr. David Sabato
The facilitators and interviewers at this conference are fifth-year fellows of the Israel Democracy Institute's "Human Rights and Judaism" program