Challenges of Cyber Security Legislation on the New Draft Cybersecurity Law

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The Israel National Cyber Directorate in collaboration with the Hebrew University Cyber Law Center, the Israel Democratic Institute and the Israel Tech Policy Institute will hold an international workshop on legal frameworks to promote cybersecurity.
The workshop will include government representatives from Israel, US, EU, from private practice and academy.
12:00-12:15 – Greetings
Yuval Shany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Liron Tzur, Israel Tech Policy Institute
12:15-12:30 – Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions
Igal Luna, Head, National Cyber Directorate
12:30-13:30 – Lunch
13:30-14:45 – Domestic Cybersecurity Regimes
Laurent Bernart, Policy Analyst, OECD
Gabriel Taran, Assistant General Counsel for Cybersecurity, DHS Office of the General Counsel
Amit Ashkenazi, Legal Advisor, National Cyber Directorate
Lokke Moerel, Tilburg University and the Dutch Cyber Security Council
14:45-15:00 – Coffee Break
15:00-16:30 – Cybersecurity and Privacy – Dilemmas and Solutions
Moderator: Maury Shenk, Steptoe and Johnson
Managing Director, Israel Tech Policy Institute
Rachel Aridor-Hershkovitz, The Israel Democracy Institute
Open Public Discussion:
16:30-17:00 – Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 – Public Discussion – Promoting Cybersecurity and the Law
Moderator: Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Israel Democracy Institute