Haredi Conscription


Supreme Court Ruling on Haredi Draft | Yohanan Plesner on BBC News

June 26, 2024

"Basically we've entered into a new unknown terrain," says IDI President Yohanan Plesner.


Ultra-Orthodox Conscription | Supreme Court Ruling | Yohanan Plesner on CNN

June 26, 2024

"It's a matter of a change in the trajectory," says Yohanan Plesner, president of IDI following the Israeli Supreme Court ruling on the issue of ultra-Orthodox conscription.


Principles for a Fair Draft Law

June 19, 2024

Yohanan Plesner, President of IDI lays out the basic principles for a fair draft law.


The Economic Impact of Haredi (non) Enlistment

June 13, 2024

What are the economic impacts of the Haredi blanket exemption and how would drafting the ultra-Orthodox benefit Israeli society and economy?


Timeline: The Ultra-Orthodox and the IDF Draft

May 16, 2024

When did the ultra-Orthodox first receive an exemption from military service? How have Haredi demographics influenced this issue?

This is a timeline of the central milestones affecting the issue of Haredi conscription. 


Economic Implications of Drafting Ultra-Orthodox in Israel

May 13, 2024

In new research, IDI experts Shlomit Ravitsky Tur-Paz and Gabi Gordon find that conscripting even a small percentage of eligible Haredi men would save the Israeli economy billions of shekels annually. They found that drafting even 20% of Haredi men would significantly reduce the number of days necessary for reserve duty and save 2.5 billion shekels in budgetary expenses by 2050. Full conscription of the ultra-Orthodox men would eliminate the need for reserve duty by 2045 and save the Israeli economy between 8-10 billion shekels.


Alternative Yeshivas and Changing Perspectives Among Haredi Youth

April 11, 2024

Dr. Asaf Malchi's research explores the perspective of yeshiva students, their personal and social challenges and highlights a subgroup of 'alterative yeshivas' and their shifting perspectives on vocational training and employment.


A Fair Draft Law, What Would That Look Like?

April 04, 2024

IDI's Dr. Gilad Malach explains what a fair draft law for the ultra-Orthodox would look like. One that would distribute the burden over Israel's security more equally while enabling young Haredi men to integrate into the job market.