The Progressive List for Peace
Having begun its activity on the municipal level, the Progressive List for Peace (HaReshima HaMitkademet LeShalom)—a mixed Arab-Jewish party—got started on its political path after its success in the 1983 municipal elections in Nazareth. Prior to the elections for the 11th Knesset, the list broadened its ranks and absorbed the Al-Antzar organization from Umm al-Fahm and the Alternative Jewish Group, whereupon it announced four primary objectives: complete civil equality for Israeli Arabs, recognition by Israelis and Palestinians of the right of each people to a state, withdrawal of the Israel Defense Forces from Lebanon and recognition of the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people.
In the 1984 elections for the 11th Knesset, the list won two seats, with most of its support coming from Arab voters. Prior to the 1988 elections for the 12th Knesset, many of the active Jewish members left the List. With its Jewish representation greatly reduced, the Progressive List won only one Knesset seat. In both of these election cycles, unsuccessful petitions were submitted to the Central Elections Committee that sought to disqualify the Progressive List because it was non-Zionist. After failing to pass the electoral threshold in 1992, the party ended its activity.
Election Year | Votes Count | Number Of Seats | Share Of Votes | List Of Candidates | Platform |
1992 | 24,181 | - | 0.9 |
1988 | 33,695 | 1 | 1.5 |
1984 | 38,102 | 2 | 1.8 |
Note that the candidates in this table are in Hebrew.