Press Release

Top Brass of Israeli Police Force Meet at IDI to Discuss Ways to Advance the Struggle against Political Corruption

On June 2, Israel's Police Commissioner, Yohanan Danino and the top brass of the Israel's National Police Force gathered at IDI for a closed-door discussion on political corruption as part of the "Police and Society" forum, which has been held at IDI for over a decade. At the meeting, leading academic experts presented ideas to combat political corruption, including measures to introduce transparency, behavioral incentives for public officials, and necessary legal and institutional reforms.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Commissioner Danino said: "We invest heavily in the discourse between the police and society with the understanding that public confidence in the police and its activities is a critical component of the organization's legitimacy. [G]overnment corruption…endangers and undermines Israel's existence as a democratic state with rule of law. This is why we see government corruption, along with other threats, as a strategic criminal threat. Israel should be proud to have gatekeepers protecting its democracy, and this is a good opportunity to thank the Israel Democracy Institute for the important contribution on this issue in particular and to Israeli democracy overall. I am confident that the Israeli police will continue to nurture this important forum and work hand in hand with the Israel Democracy Institute."