Written By: Dr. Ariel Finkelstein
The OECD recommends granting local authorities’ greater autonomy in setting local taxation. The program being pursued by the current government raises fears of central government taking control of the Arnona (municipal tax) Fund, as has happened in the past.
Written By: Dr. Ariel Finkelstein
Reducing centralization and handing over political power to local authorities, might just might do the trick
Written By: Dr. Ariel Finkelstein
There has been much talk and little action about the need to delegate powers to the local authorities. Now is the time for actual be movement on the ground.
Dr. Aliza Block, mayor of Bet Shemesh:"The idea that a senior official sits in Jerusalem and knows how to decide for me which streets or stations to close is fundamentally wrong."
Written By: Shmulik Nili
Who is addressing the problematic relationship between local and national government in Israel? Is anyone designing a a comprehensive reform program to solve some of the issues that are the result of a malfunctioning system of local governance? How, if at all, does the national media deal with this issue?