Discontinuing the ISA Tracking
Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler on why she supports the decision to halt ISA surveillance of covid-19 positive Israelis.

"It is heartening that there are voices of reason in favor of discontinuing the ISA (Israel Security Agency) tracking," says Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior researcher at the Israel Democracy Institute, in response to the decision to halt the ISA surveillance of Israelis who have tested positive for COVID-19. "The ministers understood that there are alternatives, in use by democracies around the world, as we have outlined in detail in our document."
"Even the head of the ISA understands that civil rights were sacrificed in favor of this surveillance, and the dramatic decline in the rate of infection has also proven that it is possible to use epidemiological investigations, as we have contended from the outset of this crisis.”
"We now have to prepare for a routine that includes corona, and develop voluntary apps that can benefit our society in these trying times, while simultaneously protecting both public health and personal privacy. We call on all members of the 'corona cabinet' withdraw this proposed bill and put a complete end to this type of excessive and invasive tracking.”
The authors of the alternative document, Dr. Shwartz Altshuler and Adv. Rachel Aridor Hershkowitz, have thoroughly mapped out what is going on in the world and have offered a viable alternative to using the ISA.