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  • Hebrew

Chairs of Political Parties Conference: How to Balance Between Jewish and Democratic?

How to Balance Between Jewish and Democratic? Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State

Israel Hofsheet (Be Free Israel) and the Israel Democracy Institute invite you to what promises to be the most important conference on Religion and State before the September 2019 elections.

Daphna Liel, Knesset news correspondent for Channel 12 News will chat with the chairs of political parties, and examine their positions on what is the most serious source of conflict in the upcoming elections – the issue of religion and state in Israel.

5:00 PM Reception

6:00 PM Opening Remarks

Yohanan Plesner, President, Israel Democracy Institute
Uri Keidar, Executive Director, Israel Hofsheet
Dr. Shuki Friedman, Director, Center for Religion, Nation and State, Israel Democracy Institute 
Shaked Hasson, Director of Public Advocacy, Israel Hofsheet

6:20 PM MK Yair Lapid, Chairman, Yesh Atid

6:40 PM Nitzan Horowitz, Chairman, Meretz

7:00 PM Moshe Feiglin, Chairman, Zehut

7:20 PM MK Amir Peretz, Chairman, Labor Party

7:40 PM Shmuel Rosner, Senior Fellow, Jewish People Policy Institute
Presenting new data on "Relgion and State"

7:50 PM Prof. Tamar Hermann, Israel Democracy Institute; The Open University
Jewish or Democratic - What do the People Say?

The conference will be held at the Zucker Hall in the Culture Palace, Tel Aviv