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Presentation of a Draft Declaration of Human Dignity to President Shimon Peres

The President's Residence Jerusalem

On Sunday March 9, 2014, IDI presented a preliminary draft of a Declaration of Human Dignity to President Shimon Peres, who has extended his patronage to IDI's Israel Speaks Human Dignity initiative. This document emerged as a result of the meeting of the Israel Speaks Assembly of 200, in which a representative sample of the citizens of Israel began drafting a foundational document for the State of Israel based on the framework defined by the Israel Speaks Council of 20.

The event was broadcast live on the IDI website and on Facebook.

Participants from the Assembly of 200 present the draft to Pres. Shimon Peres 

For Further Information

Find out more about IDI's Israel Speaks initiative Read the preliminary draft of the Declaration (English) Read the preliminary draft of the Declaration (Hebrew) )