Israel's Worst Political Crisis Is Not Over
A fifth election in three years, is a clear indication that Israel’s worst political crisis did not end when this government was sworn into office.

Flash 90
Yohanan Plesner, the President of the Israel Democracy Institute, on the decision to disperse the Knesset:
“The decision by Prime Minister Bennett to disperse the Knesset and head to a fifth election in just three years, is a clear indication that Israel’s worst political crisis did not end when this government was sworn into office, but rather merely receded only to return when this coalition failed to find a way to continue moving forward. While the Bennett-Lapid government undoubtedly played an important role by passing a budget and moving forward with other important legislation, this crisis ongoing will not come to an end until Israel’s leaders put their political differences aside and enact long-over-due electoral and constitutional reforms.”
Plesner added:
"It is also important to note that while this government was one of Israel’s shortest to hold office, it played an historical role by including an Arab party in the coalition and in the decisions made by the national leadership, and therefore paving the way for the possibility of more inclusion by the Arab minority in the political process and Israeli society as a whole.”