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  • Live
  • Hebrew

The Jewish Nation State at 70

15:30 | Reception

15:45| Opening Remarks: Prof. Yedidia Stern, Vice President and Dr. Shuki Friedman, Director of the Center for Religion and State, Israel Democracy Institute

16:00 | The Return of Nationalism

Moderator: Dr. Jesse Ferris, Vice President, Israel Democracy Institute

Participants: Prof. Alex Jacobson, Hebrew University, Prof. Ezer Gat, Tel Aviv University, Prof. (emeritus) Hedva Ben Israel, Hebrew University, and Prof. Oren Yiftachel, Ben Gurion University

17:10 | Being a Minority in Israel - a conversation between Israel Cohen, Journalist, Kikar Hashabbat, and Yair Sheleg, Researcher, Israel Democracy Institution

17:20 | Israel as a Jewish Nation-State - What Would I Change?

Moderator: Dr. Shuki Friedman, Director of the Center for Religion and State, Israel Democracy Institute


Prof. Yedidia Stern, Vice President, Israel Democracy Institute

Prof. Yifat Biton, The College of Management

Mr. Muhammad Darawshe, Givat Haviva

Dr. Assaf Malach, Head of the Jewish Statesmanship Center

18:30 | Being a Minority in Israel - a conversation between Sheerin Nater-Haffi, Director, Arab High School in Lod and Yair Sheleg, Researcher, Israel Democracy Institution

18:40 | Coffee Break

18:50 | Does Israel Need Jewish-National Institutions?

Moderator: Dr. Idit Shafran-Gitelman, Israel Democracy Institute


Prof. Ron Shapira, President, Peres Academic Center

Prof. Yuli Tamir, President, Shenkar College

Mr. Sallai Meridor, former Chairman of the Jewish Agency

Prof. Ella Belfer, Bar-Ilan University

20:00 | Being a Minority in Israel - a conversation between Berhane Negasi, a Refugee Representative from Eritrea and Yair Sheleg, Researcher, Israel Democracy Institution

The conference will be broadcast in Hebrew live on IDI’s website