Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs, Prof. Suzie Navot
Fact Sheet: The Basic Law: The Nation-State
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
Israeli society—its marketplace of ideas, its democratic institutions, the rule of law, the components of national identity—is caught in the turbulent vortex of a kulturkampf—a “culture war”.
Written By: Dr. William Cubbison
For the past few decades, support and opposition to a two state solution has been a fault line dividing people and parties in Israel. Dr. William Cubbison presents an overview of the level of Jewish support in the 25 years since the signing of the Oslo Accords.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
As Israel enters its eighth decade, Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, reflects on the delicate balance between the state’s two dominant characteristics – Jewish and democratic – which has never been more contested.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
The deputy president of the Jerusalem District Court inaugurated the Basic Law on Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, issuing the first verdict based on it - imposing punitive damages on Hamas for the severe post-traumatic stress suffered by a Jewish Israeli wounded in a terror attack in Tel Aviv in 1998.
Written By: Yair Sheleg
We should simultaneously define Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people and at the same time---the state and home of all its citizens.
Amend the Nation-State Law and Add: "Jewish, Democratic and Equal"
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
In the bill’s final wording, the state only commits itself to act within the Diaspora to strengthen the ties of Jewish peoplehood – as if actions taken inside the Jewish state, like the reneged-upon Western Wall compromise, have no bearing on the rest of the Jewish world.
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Prof. Ephraim Yaar
The monthly Peace Index of the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University, published today, finds that: only 52% of Jewish Israelis think it was important to pass the Nation-State law at this time.
Written By: Dr. Shuki Friedman
This bill is superfluous and will do far more harm than good. In its newly revised version, the Nation-State Bill, which has been problematic since its inception, reaches new lows by effectively abandoning Diaspora Jewry.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner , Prof. Yuval Shany, Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
The Israel Democracy Institute issued a letter to the Prime Minister regarding the Nation State Billl, asserting that if the value of equality is not anchored in the legislation alongside the other enumerated national characteristics of the state, the law may eventually erode Israel's democratic character
Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs
How can Israel - a light to the nations, and homeland for the Jewish People, fail to embrace equality for all, alongside commitment to the diaspora?
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
The proposed amendment which will strip the Supreme Court of the power to invalidate legislation (“the British model”), or alternatively, would allow the Knesset, by a vote of 61 of its members to reinstate a law that the court has struck down (“the override clause”) pose a grave threat to every single Israeli citizen.
Written By: Maayan Hoffman, Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern, Mr. Alan Hoffmann
Thought leaders recommend an ‘all in the family’ perspective when it comes to challenges between Jews in Israel and the Diaspora.
Written By: Dr. Shuki Friedman
For decades, religious and ultra-Orthodox members of Knesset, backed and encouraged by their rabbis, have worked to inject the secular state with as much Judaism as possible. Over the course of 70 years, the results of this ongoing effort have been minimal, but the price paid by Judaism has been great.
Written By: Dr. Shuki Friedman
Israel's very legitimacy as a Jewish state is under attack.
“The Kotel compromise presents a proper balance between the will and desire of Orthodox individuals - who are the majority of those praying at the Western Wall -- to continue praying in the main plaza as they always have, and the will and desire of other Jewish groups that want to pray in the vicinity of the Kotel according to their faith."
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is an opportunity to stop and ponder how much we love to forget or forget to love. This article was originally published by the Jewish Journal.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
The transition between Passover and Israel’s Independence Day is a symbolic transition from a holiday that centers on Godly miracles to a holiday that centers on human actions.
Public sees Israeli government's performance to be medium or low
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
One of the most fundamental principles of democratic government is the delicate system of checks and balances that prevents the arbitrary exercise of power by the majority. Israel, the sole democracy in a dangerous and unstable neighborhood, has long been an exemplar of these checks and balances. We cannot allow Israel's democratic foundations to gradually erode. Israel’s survival and prosperity hinge, in the final analysis, on its democratic vitality.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
There is a necessary condition that must be fulfilled for the existence of our nation-state to be justified: there must be an unconditional guarantee of civic equality for our national minorities. In this area, there is still much to be done.
Written By: Dr. Shuki Friedman
Dr. Shuki Friedman reminds us that the values that are so deeply rooted in our Jewish worldview, are part and parcel with the democratic values of our state and its outlook on the obligation to preserve life and human dignity using the rule of law.
Bill is as an attempt to destabilize the balance between Israel's democratic character and its Jewish character.
Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs
IDI researcher Dr. Amir Fuchs criticizes the proposed Basic Law that would establish Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people and recommends accepting Israel's Declaration of Independence as the preamble to Israel's future Constitution instead.
Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs, Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer and Attorney Amir Fuchs assert that the only way to guarantee Israel's existence as a Jewish and democratic state is not through a Basic Law that defining Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people but through a Constitution.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer, Dr. Amir Fuchs
Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer and Attorney Amir Fuchs assert that the only way to guarantee Israel's existence as a Jewish and democratic state is not through a Basic Law that defining Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people but through a Constitution.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer, Dr. Amir Fuchs
On June 4, 2014, IDI experts Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer and Attorney Amir Fuchs submitted a legal opinion to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation stating their concerns about the proposed Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People. A full translation of this legal opinion can be found below.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer, Dr. Amir Fuchs
A legal opinion opposing the proposed Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People, which was submitted by IDI Vice President Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer and Attorney Amir Fuchs to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation on June 4, 2014.
Rabbi Dr. Benjamin (Benny) Lau presents three snapshots from different times and places, reflecting on a city that combines ancient and modern, sacred and secular, eternal truths and ordinary life.
Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs, Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
In an article in the Hebrew weekly <em>Makor Rishon</em>, Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer and Attorney Amir Fuchs argue against the current initiative to pass Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People, which they see as divisive and problematic.
Written By: Jay Ruderman, Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
Should the State of Israel recognize "Israeli" as a nationality? IDI Vice President Prof. Yedidia Stern and Jay Ruderman assert that it is imperative for the State of Israel to continue distinguishing between citizenship and nationality.
Written By: Yair Sheleg
Should the American model of separation of church and state be applied to Israel? In an article in <em>The Jewish Week</em>, IDI's Yair Sheleg argues that Israel needs a unique model.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern shares thoughts on the Hebrew calendar, which contributes to Jewish unity and preserves the Jewish people as a single national and cultural unit.
Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs
In an op-ed in Haaretz, Attorney Amir Fuchs asserts that Israel is both the nation-state of the Jewish people and a democratic state, despite the confused Zionism of Mayor Shimon Gapso of Upper Nazareth.
Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs, Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
In an op-ed originally published in Maariv, Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer and Attorney Amir Fuchs warn that the Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People would undercut the balance between the "Jewish" and "democratic" nature of the State of Israel.
Written By: Yair Sheleg
While pending the possible decision to evacuate settlements in Judea and Samaria, IDI Research Fellow Yair Sheleg offers a new model of evacuation, based on the Algerian evacuation model, altered to fit Israeli reality.
Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs
A year has passed since, The Basic Law: Israel the Nation-State of the Jewish People, was passed. What, if anything, has changed in that time?
Written By: Dr. Shuki Friedman
Israeli society is becoming increasingly polarized with each group holding a very different view of democracy and the State of Israel
Written By: Dr. Shuki Friedman
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” Dickens’s words seem a highly apt way of describing the current state of the Jewish people, and the relationship between the two largest Jewish communities in the world – those in Israel and the United States.
Written By: Dr. Shuki Friedman
For many American Jews, identification with the State of Israel is a significant component of their Jewish identity.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner , Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer, Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
If Israel was founded as the state of the Jewish people, why is a nation-state law so problematic, having already toppled one government?
Written By: Dr. Shuki Friedman
Instead of Judaism being what unites Jews in Israel with Jews around the world, our religion has become the main source of conflict.