Democratic Culture, Volume 7

An anthology of articles on an array of topics, including civil society, halakhic rulings on political questions, church-state relations in the United States, the media and the Rabin assassination, and the constitutional revolution. 

An anthology of articles on an array of topics, including civil society, halakhic rulings on political questions, church-state relations in the United States, the media and the Rabin assassination, and the constitutional revolution.

David Ohana
Civil Society and its Critics

Chaim Burgansky
More About Halachic Rulings and Political issues

Arnon Gutfeld
"This is not ...just a little case over bus fares" – The Everson Decision: Basis for the Modern Separation of Church and State in the United States

Yaacov Yadgar
Democracy in Crisis: The Media, The Public Sphere, and the Rabin Assassination

Yoash Meisler
"The Constitutional Revolution" Just over a Decade Later – Law and Disorder

English Abstracts