Written By: Dr. Assaf Shapira, Prof. Ofer Kenig, Dr. Amir Fuchs, Asaf Heiman
In recent years, it has repeatedly been claimed that “Israel has too many elections.” On the one hand, this is true, Israel has the highest frequency of parliamentary elections compared to all developed democracies. On the other, Israelis have fewer voting opportunities.
Written By: Dr. Assaf Shapira
A top democracy index hasn't yet ranked Israel with Hungary. That will change if the majority becomes all powerful
Written By: Dr. Or Anabi, Prof. Tamar Hermann
The new government offers a timely opportunity to review and assess Benjamin Netanyahu’s premiership in terms of its impact on Israeli democracy.
Written By: Prof. Ofer Kenig
Dr. Ofer Kenig, of IDI's Political Reform project, cautiously examines whether the events of the Arab Spring indicate the rise of substantial democracy in the Arab world or whether they merely exchanged one type of authoritarian regime for another—a non-liberal Islamic regime.