- Agriculture and Development
- Agudat Yisrael
- Alignment
- Am Ehad
- Am Shalem
- Arab Democratic Party
- Arab List for Bedouins and Villagers
- Balad
- Blue and White
- Center Party
- Daam
- Dash
- Degel HaTorah
- Democratic Union
- Fighters List
- Gachal
- General Zionists
- Gesher
- Gil
- Green Leaf
- Greens
- Hadash
- Hadash-Ta'al
- HaMerkaz HaHofshi
- HaOlam HaZeh
- HaPoel HaMizrahi
- Hatnua
- Herut
- Independent Liberals
- Israel Resilience Party
- Kach Party
- Kadima
- Kulanu
- Labor Party (Ha'Avoda)
- Labor Unity
- Labor-Gesher
- Labor-Gesher-Meretz
- Likud Beitenu
- Likud Party
- Maki
- Mapai
- Mapam
- Meimad
- Meretz
- Mizrahi
- Moked
- Moledet
- Morasha
- National Religious Party
- National Union
- National Unity Party
- New Hope
- Ometz
- One Israel
- Otzma LeYisrael
- Otzma Yehudit
- Plato Sharon
- Poalei Agudat Yisrael
- Progress and Development
- Progress and Work
- Progressive Party
- Ra'am
- Ra'am - Balad
- Ra'am Ta'al
- Rafi
- Rakah
- Ratz
- Religious Torah Front
- Religious Zionism
- Sephardim and Oriental Communities
- Shas
- Sheli
- Shinui
- Shituf Ve-Ahva
- Shlomtzion
- State List
- Ta'al
- Tami
- Tehiya
- Telem
- The Black Panthers
- The Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
- The Democratic List of Nazareth
- The Jewish Home
- The Joint List
- The Liberal Party
- The New Right
- The Progressive List for Peace
- The Zionist Spirit
- Third Way
- Tzomet
- Union of Right-Wing Parties
- United Arab List
- United Religious Front
- United Torah Judaism
- Yachad
- Yahad-1984
- Yamina
- Yemenite Association
- Yesh Atid
- Yisrael Ba-Aliya
- Yisrael Beitenu
- Zehut
- Zionist Union