
The IDF and the Press during Hostilities

  • Written By:
  • Publication Date:
  • Cover Type: Softcover
  • Number Of Pages: 201 Pages
  • Price: 60 NIS

This book, a summary of the fifth session of IDI’s Army and Society Forum, explores topics such as the limits of public diplomacy, credibility vs. speed in reporting events, the media as a strategic consideration in preparing for war, false propaganda, and the reciprocal relations between the IDF and the press.


Part One

The IDF and the Press during Hostilities

The Media as a Strategic Consideration in Preparation for War
The IDF and the Media: Reciprocal Relations
A Research Agenda

Part Two

Opening Plenary Session

Discussion Groups
Group 1: The Media as a Strategic Consideration in Preparation for War
Group 2: The IDF's Approach to the Media
Group 3: The Media's Stance towards the IDF

Closing Plenary Session

Group Report