Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen
The incoming Commander-in-Chief of the IDF, Major General Eyal Zamir, faces a number of challenges as he takes up his role beyond the security of Israel. He must integrate the ultra-Orthodox, uphold the IDF's ethical values, and restore public trust in its senior command to preserve the military's identity as the 'people's army.'
Written By: Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer, Adv. Edna Harel Fisher
Defense Minister Katz recent demand that the IDF Chief of Staff reprimand the Chief of the IDF Intelligence Directorate for presenting the possible security implications of the "Trump plan" for Gaza is the latest in several steps that threaten to politicize Israel's national security agencies, a process that could be disastrous for the country.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
It is increasingly clear that Israel’s future depends on the forging of two coalitions. One is a multinational alliance determined to turn the Palestinian issue from a driver of conflict into an engine of peace. The other, is an internal Israeli coalition ready to pursue a series of bold social, economic, and political reforms.
Written By: Adv. Shlomit Ravitsky Tur-Paz, Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer, Adv. Mirit Lavi
On Monday August 5, 2024 and Tuesday August 6, 2024—900 ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students were required to present themselves at IDF enlistment centers. Shlomit Ravitsky Tur-Paz, Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer and Mirit Lavi explain the next steps the IDF will need to take in order to enforce the legal obligation of conscription.
Written By: Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer, Adv. Mirit Lavi
An in-depth analysis of the advisory opinion of the ICJ on the legal consequences of Israel's policies and practices in the 'occupied Palestinian territory.'
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen, Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer
Investigating allegations of abuse at the Sde Teiman detention facility is Israel's moral and legal duty as a rule-based democracy and protects the country on the international legal and diplomatic front.
Written By: Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer, Adv. Mirit Lavi
Nine Supreme Court Justices ruled unanimously that the state must act to enforce Israeli conscription legislation and apply it to Haredi men. For this to be realized the IDF and the defense establishment must also make significant changes. These are the issues the IDF should take into consideration.
Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs
The State Inquiry Commission on Naval Vessels was tasked with examining the decision-making processes at both the professional and political levels between 2009-2016 in relation to the acquisition of naval vessels during those years.
Written By: Dr. Jesse Ferris
The Iranian missile attack on April 13th set a very dangerous precedent for the future. Had one of the few missiles that managed to penetrate Israel's air-defense shield been fitted with a nuclear warhead, the outcome would have been devastating. This is why the phenomenal achievement of the Israeli Air Force and its allies on Saturday night must not blind us to the danger ahead.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner , Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer, Prof. Amichai Cohen
The government wishes to amend the Military Service Law and Reserve Service Law due to the new security circumstances arising from the outbreak of the war in Gaza. While recognizing the immediate imperative to respond to IDF's personnel needs, we oppose these legislative proposals.
Written By: Dr. Carmit Padan
Israeli reserve soldiers are making unimaginable sacrifices to protect their country. To rise to the challenge of meeting the IDF's expanded personnel needs, Israel's policy solutions must be as diverse as are the reservists serving this nation. A "one-size-fits-all" compensation approach will not cut it.
Written By: Dr. Idit Shafran Gittleman
Over the years and especially in recent decades, the concept of gender equality has also become relevant to the discussion of military service, and more and more roles have been opened up to women serving in the IDF. Dr. Idit Shafran Gittleman presents an overview of women in the IDF since its establishment.
Written By: Dr. Idit Shafran Gittleman
False quick-spreading claims blamed an IDF soldier's death on overly stringent rules of engagement. What took the military so long to set the record straight?
Yohanan Plesner opened the annual Security and Democracy conference saying: "Our challenge is to preserve the value of mamlahtiut (stateliness) in the 'people's army', especially in a polarized country like Israel."
Written By: Colonel (Res.) Dr. Liron A. Libman
There is a vagueness about the authority to make fateful decisions for the country, including what even counts as war.
Written By: Dr. Gilad Malach
The tension between the "military service for all" and "exemption for all" represents the tradeoff between the quest for equality and the existing political-social reality.
Written By: Dr. Idit Shafran Gittleman
Creating a gender-equal military is a complicated task, but the IDF must not forget its responsibility, nevertheless many Israeli soldiers have not been trained on gender equality says Idit Shafran Gittleman.
Written By: Dr. Asaf Malchi
Even though military service seems to be one of the most blatant threats to the ultra-Orthodox lifestyle, it has become a rather attractive channel for broad segments of the community.
Written By: Dr. Asaf Malchi
More and more ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Israelis are enlisting in the IDF, driven by personal, financial, and professional motives, with military service seen as an “entrance ticket” to Israeli society and to the labor market. But military service also introduces them to the shared components of identity and citizenship linking them to the state and its values, and enabling them to identify with others, from outside their community.
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Prof. Efraim Yaar
The monthly Peace Index reveals that: 46% of Jewish Israelis name Benjamin Netanyahu as their preferred candidate for the next prime minister.
Written By: Colonel (Res.) Dr. Liron A. Libman
For Israel, coping with the situation in the Gaza Strip is far from simple. The way the situation is handled has security, economic, humanitarian, and political implications. Therefore leadership must act and speak responsibly - this is not always the case.
Written By: Dr. William Cubbison
Majority support for drafting young ultra-Orthodox into the army goes as far back as 1991. There have been small fluctuations, but consistently --at least 2/3 (65%) of the Israeli public has supported drafting yeshiva students or young ultra-Orthodox into the IDF.
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen, Prof. Yuval Shany
Initial observations on Israeli's Military Advocate General's decision to conclude investigation into 'Black Friday'.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
Now is the time to rise above petty politics and pass a draft law that will uphold the principle of civic equality in Israel.
Written By: Prof. Yuval Shany, Prof. Amichai Cohen, Gilad Halpern, Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin
Professor Yuval Shany and Professor Amichai Cohen discuss the pivotal role of the IDF in Israeli life - past and present.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute cautions that the Ministry of Defense’s proposed draft bill “endangers IDF’s model of service as a “People's Army” based on the principle of mandatory service for all
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Prof. Ephraim Yaar
The monthly Peace Index of the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University, published today, finds that the Israeli public split on prospect of war in the coming months
Written By: Dr. Idit Shafran Gittleman
The state of Israel has also been grappling in recent years with an intense controversy over the service of women in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), which recently came to a boiling point with the amendment of the “Joint Service Order,” which sets out guidelines for women’s military service alongside Orthodox men
Written By: Dr. Idit Shafran Gittleman
It’s time for the people’s army to listen to the voice of the people, and not just to the voice of extremists.
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen
IDI's Prof. Amichai Cohen explains why Israel had to launch a swift and effective investigation into the actions of the solider that shot a neutralized terrorist in Hebron. This article originally appeared on the Times of Israel
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
Prof. Yedidia Stern urges Israel's leaders to stop tiptoeing around the core issues of religion and state in the Knesset election campaign, and to take a clear position on the matter.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
In an article in the <em>Jewish Week</em>, IDI Vice President Yedidia Stern discusses the question of whether it is appropriate for commanders to use religious rhetoric in motivating their soldiers, and stresses the need for the Israeli army to represent all.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
IDI President Yohanan Plesner stresses the need to ensure that the Israel Defense Forces remains at the heart of the Zionist consensus so as to enable it to continue to be the army of all citizens of Israel.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
In a Jerusalem Post op-ed, Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer argues that by breaching their responsibility to be impartial, the UN Human Rights Council and its commission for investigating alleged war crimes in Gaza are betraying international law, even if unintentionally.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
IDI Vice President Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer addresses the question of the appropriateness of the letter that Givati Brigade commander Col.Ofer Winter sent to his subordinate officers as Israel prepared for the ground incursion in Gaza in the summer of 2014.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
IDI Vice President Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer discusses the High Court of Justice's decision to uphold the Israel Broadcasting Authority's rejection of an infomercial in which the names of Gazan children who were killed in Operation Protective Edge would have been read aloud.
Written By: Prof. Yuval Shany, Prof. Amichai Cohen
How should suspected violations of the international laws of war be investigated? As Operation Protective Edge winds down, Prof. Yuval Shany and Prof. Amichai Cohen discuss the options of an internal investigation by the IDF, an international investigation, and an Israeli commission of inquiry.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
In an op-ed in <em>Yedioth Ahronoth</em>, Prof. Yedidia Stern warns that the Iron Dome could not protect Israel from hatred between Jewish and Arab citizens, and stresses the need for both sides to use imaginative empathy to mend the fabric of Israel's shared society.?
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
In an op-ed in <em>The Jerusalem Post</em>, IDI President Yohanan Plesner stresses that Israel's adherence to international law is not a source of weakness, but rather one of its greatest strengths.
Written By: Admiral (Res.) Amichay (Ami) Ayalon
Admiral Ami Ayalon asserts that the winner of today's wars is the side whose story is perceived as just, and argues that without a diplomatic track, Israel cannot win the war, even if the war is justified and Israel adheres to international law in the face of terrorists who violate it.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
In the midst of Operation Protective Edge, IDI President Yohanan Plesner warns of the dangers of racism, incitement, and stifling of free speech and asserts that it is essential to internalize a substantive democratic culture.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner , Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer, Prof. Amichai Cohen, Adv. Eli Bahar
As Operation Protective Edge enters its second week, IDI experts outline the legal basic concepts involved in asymmetrical warfare and the boundaries of permissible action according to standard interpretations of existing international law.
Written By: Adv. Eli Bahar
IDI Researcher Attorney Eli Bahar discusses the central role that members of Israel's system of legal counsel play in formulating the rules of what is permissible during warfare in real time, during the fighting, in order to ensure that Israel's citizens will not be ashamed of themselves after the fighting ceases.
Written By: Haim Zicherman
In an op-ed in Ynet News, IDI researcher Dr. Haim Zicherman discusses the steps that Israeli society must take in order to enable ultra-Orthodox men to integrate into the Israeli army and workforce.
Written By: Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler
As Israel prays for the safe return of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Fraenkel, and Eyal Yifrach, Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, head of IDI's Media Reform project, shares thoughts on the use of gag orders and military censorship in the digital age.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
IDI Vice President Prof. Yedidia Stern reflects on the privilege of sacrifice and the necessity to maintain a Jewish Israel in order to justify that sacrifice, in an article written for Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel's Wars and Victims of Terrorism.
Written By: Prof. Benjamin Porat
Do students in the religious Zionist hesder yeshivot really contribute less to the IDF than other men who serve? IDI Researcher Dr. Benny Porat does the math and comes to an interesting conclusion.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
As the Shaked Committee begins to vote on its proposal for the Haredi draft, Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern warns that the proposal's recommendation to exempt Haredi men of draft age during a three-year "adjustment period" is both inequitable and ineffective.
Written By: Prof. Ofer Kenig
Dr. Ofer Kenig presents some of the milestones in the career of Ariel Sharon, the 11th Prime Minister of the State of Israel.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
On November 21 2013, Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern appeared before the Shaked Committee and argued that criminal sanctions are not recommended for reaching conscription goals. In an op-ed in Makor Rishon, he explains why.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer, Dr. Amir Fuchs
In an op-ed in <em>Maariv</em>, IDI Vice President Mordechai Kremnitzer and Attorney Amir Fuchs warn that the proposed amendment to Israel's Anti-Defamation Law, which would allow IDF soldiers to bring a class action suit for libel when the operational activities in which they participated are criticized in the media, will have the opposite of its intended effect.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer, Dr. Amir Fuchs
In an op-ed in Maariv, IDI Vice President Mordechai Kremnitzer and Attorney Amir Fuchs warn that the proposed amendment to Israel's Anti-Defamation Law known as the 'Jenin-Jenin Law' will have the opposite of its intended effect.
Written By: Kalman Neuman
Dr. Kalmen Neuman discusses the conflict faced by Orthodox soldiers who must choose between their religious commitment and the authority of the IDF when commanded to evacuate settlements.
Written By: Adi Mintz
In her article Adi Mintz argues that while for some the Disengagement in 2005 represented a pinnacle of democracy, she experienced it as a deterioration of democracy. At the center of her argument is what she considers to be Ariel Sharon's referendum-dismissive nature, as she suggests that what took place during the Disengagement was not a "truly democratic struggle for public opinion."
Written By: Dr. Asaf Malchi
This article presents the main milestones in the recurring attempts to put a satisfactory arrangement for the deferment of military service for yeshiva students in place. In doing so, it surfaces the changes that have occurred over time in the constitutional, legal, and public responses and attitudes on this issue.
Latest Peace Index: More than half of Jewish and Arab Israelis see high chances of war between Hamas and Israel in coming year