social media

Publications Regarding social media


Key Findings

Media and Social Media Consumption, Trust, and Literacy

A special report on consumption patterns and trust in the media and social media.


What We Should Learn About Ourselves, On the Occasion of Facebook’s 20th Birthday

Twenty years into the social media revolution, of which Facebook is the poster child, we need to reassess and renew our fundamental democratic principles.


The Meron Disaster as Reflected in Ultraorthodox (Haredi) Society Media

For years, ultra-Orthodox leadership has been protesting that the internet will bring rack and ruin on the entire community and on individual users, however, the internet and especially the social networks, play a major role in the internal reforms that the ultra-Orthodox must introduce.


The Sins of the Digital Era

Social media narrows our range of information by spreading misinformation.


Social Media’s Impact on the Elections

How should media outlets in Israel prepare themselves for “fake news” campaigns and how has the digital sphere become the “Wild West?” Tipping Point hosts Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler to discuss the extent Israeli elections are influenced by digital campaigns