Arab Votes for the 21st Knesset
Arab turnout for the vote was the lowest in a decade – only 49% participated in the elections for the 21st Knesset. Arik Rudnitzky summarizes

Flash 90
Only 49.1% of Arab-Israeli citizens participated in the elections for the 21st Knesset. The highest voter turnout was in the Northern District (51.8%), and the lowest rate was among the Negev Bedouin (37.3%). In total, the two Arab parties won 10 seats: Hadash-Ta'al won 6 seats and the Ra’am-Balad won 4. The two Arab parties won 71.4% of the Arab vote, while the Jewish parties won 28.6% of the votes, mainly Meretz (8.7%) and Blue and White (8.2%).
Election turnout, 1999-2019
Arab sector turnout, 2019 elections
Arab and Druze, turnout 49.2%
Northern District, turnout 52.0%
Galilee Bedouin, turnout 38.7%
Druze, turnout 56.6%
Christians, turnout 55.7%
The Triangle, turnout 49.9%
Northern Triangle, turnout 42.4%
Southern Triangle, turnout 60.0%
Jerusalem District, turnout 41.5%
Negev Bedouin, turnout 37.5%
Bedouin townships, turnout 42.3%
Bedouin villages of regional councils, turnout 42.6%
Bedouin tribes, turnout 25.5%
Turnout of Arab residents in Mixed Jewish-Arab Cities
Arab parties achievements
Breakdown of Arab parties vote
*Arab contribution to Jewish Parties
* The percentage of votes received by the Jewish parties in the Arab and Druze communities out of the total votes received by these parties in the elections.