
Education for Democracy: Policy Proposals

  • Publication Date:
  • Number Of Pages: 128 Pages
  • Center: The Joan and Irwin Jacobs Center for Shared Society

In June 2015, IDI partnered with the Dov Lautman Foundation and the Open University to hold the first annual Dov Lautman Conference on Education Policy, named for one of Israel's most prominent industrialists and philanthropic leaders. Dedicated to education for democracy in the Israeli school system, the conference explored whether Israel is doing enough in order to educate its youth for citizenship in a democratic society and focused specifically on the need to root out racism.

In June 2015, IDI partnered with the Dov Lautman Foundation and the Open University to hold the first annual Dov Lautman Conference on Education Policy, named for one of Israel's most prominent industrialists and philanthropic leaders. Dedicated to education for democracy in the Israeli school system, the conference explored whether Israel is doing enough in order to educate its youth for citizenship in a democratic society and focused specifically on the need to root out racism.

The Dov Lautman Conference on Educational Policy aims to play a central role in the process of developing a new social partnership that will strengthen Israeli democracy, based on familiarity with and respect for others and on shared values. Before the conference, working groups met, drew up papers, conducted surveys and research studies, produced videos, and interviewed officials, activists, and professionals. The harsh picture that emerged from those efforts requires action.
The conference proceedings can be found below (Hebrew).