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Safest place for Arabs is Israel

David Suissa, President of the Jewish Journal, praises the work of IDI and IDI's VP Prof. Yedidia Stern.

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If UNRWA handed rockets over to Hamas, is that a war crime? Did it have a choice?

IDI Vice President Mordechai Kremnitzer accuses the UN of a "war crime" for turning rockets stored in an UNRWA school to Hamas-affiliated "authorities" – further adding that such a transfer was either "extremely foolish" or "intentionally evil."

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July 2013 Peace Index coverage

The July 2013 Peace Index was covered widely throughout the press including many standalone articles on the results, in news coverage of peace talks, and even as the focus of the lead editorial of the Los Angeles Times.

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Coverage of the 2012 Index of Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel

Are the findings of the 2012 Index of Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel encouraging or foreboding? As seen from the press coverage, it depends on which community you focus on.