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You can’t prepare a Nation State law the way you make a pizza!

The nation state law is the "identity law" of the state, and this will have a revolutionary significance, since democracy is not mentioned in it.

Research Reel

How to battle government corruption?

In recent years we have seen one Prime Minister, several ministers and numerous mayors charged and convicted on corruption. But most people enter politics for idealistic reasons and with good intentions. So what went wrong? 

Press Release

Data Israel

In Honor of Israel's 70th Anniversary The Guttman Center for Public Opinion Research and Policy at the Israel Democracy Institute Is Launching “Data-Israel”: The largest and most encompassing online public opinion research database in Israel at the click of a button.

Research Reel

Limited Partnership: Arabs and Jews in Israel

On the complex relationship between Arabs and Jews in Israel and the secret to bringing down the walls of fear and prejudice

Research Reel

The Case for Substantive Democracy

As calls for a "majoritarian democracy" gain strength in Israel, IDI's President warns of the dangers associated with a tyranny of the majority, and makes the case for a richer interpretation of democracy, grounded in the principles of liberty, equality and the separation of powers.


Is it Trump, Zuckerberg or Us - Whose Fault is Fake News?

"Weak media leads to fake news"

David Zeev (Reshet Bet) talks to Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, 

The panel: Is it Trump, Zuckerberg or US - Whose Fault is Fake News? was held at the Globes-Israel Business Conference in Jerusalem on January 11, 2018.


5 Things You Must Know About the ultra-Orthodox Community in Israel

How many ultra-Orthodox live in Israel today? How many will watch this clip on the internet? How are ultra-Orthodox women transforming their community? How many are employed? What age to they get married?


The State of Israeli Democracy: How Do Israelis Feel About Israel?

Those who get their information about Israel from the outside, might think the situation in Israel is not so great. But inside Israel, citizens are fairly proud, unified and optimistic.

Equal Opportunity for Israeli Arabs
Research Reel

Equal Opportunity for Israeli Arabs


Recent findings by the Central Bureau of Statistics on the Israeli labor market reveal that 80% of the country's Arab citizens are employed in jobs with difficult physical conditions. Watch a Research Reel about the NEET phenomenon among Israel’s Arabs.

Senior Israeli Reporters Discuss the Need for a Free and Independent Press

Senior Israeli Reporters Discuss the Need for a Free and Independent Press

Especially now, it is important to remember: There is no watchdog that is more important, that barks louder or is more effective at safeguarding Israeli democracy.

The State of Israeli Democracy: How does Israel Measure Up?

The State of Israeli Democracy: How does Israel Measure Up?

There is a sizeable gap between the way Israelis view their political situation and the way the world assesses the Jewish state.

Security and Democracy in the Modern Era
Research Reel

Security and Democracy in the Modern Era

Israel has been in a state of emergency since 1948. But the nature of the threat has changed over-time—from full-scale military invasions to isolated airplane hijackings, from suicide bombings to missile attacks, and most recently, cyber and lone wolf terrorism.
These ever-evolving threats necessitate new responses and strategies.

Privacy Matters in the Digital Age
Research Reel

Privacy Matters in the Digital Age

Priavcy is a requirement for the proper functioning of any democratic society.

Who are Israel's Haredim?

Who are Israel's Haredim?

New statistics shed light on a population that was once hidden behind "walls of holiness." Today, those walls are beginning to break.

The Personalization of Politics
Research Reel

The Personalization of Politics

Research Reel with Professor Gidon Rahat - The Personalization of Politics

Absentee Voting Rights
Research Reel

Absentee Voting Rights

Research Reel with Dr. Ofer Kenig - The Absentee Voting Rights

The Military Censor in the Digital Age
Research Reel

The Military Censor in the Digital Age

Research Reel with Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler - The Military Censor in the Digital Age

The Role of the Attorney General
Research Reel

The Role of the Attorney General

Research Reel with Dr. Guy Lurie - The Role of the Attorney General

Haredi Employment
Research Reel

Haredi Employment

Research Reel with Dr. Gilad Malach - Haredi Employment

The Kosher Monopoly
Research Reel

The Kosher Monopoly

Defending Democratic Values
Research Reel

Defending Democratic Values

Research Reel with Amir Fuchs: Defending Democratic Values