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Speaker of the Knesset's Resignation - Statement
Press Release

Speaker of the Knesset's Resignation - Statement

Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, reacted to the Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein's resignation

Speaker of the Knesset's Resignation – What Happens Next?

Speaker of the Knesset's Resignation – What Happens Next?

Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein has resigned so as not to comply with the Supreme Court ruling to hold elections for a new speaker - what happens next? IDI’s Dr. Amir Fuchs explains

Parliaments Around the World

Parliaments Around the World

As the Knesset struggles to resume its work, IDI took a look at how parliaments around the world are putting into place processes and mechanisms that enable them to operate during the coronavirus pandemic so they can fulfill the vital role they play in democracies.

A Unity Government to Deal with the Emergency?

A Unity Government to Deal with the Emergency?

Will the coronavirus crisis result in an unity government, which can, at least temporarily, resolve Israel's political deadlock? IDI experts explain.

Politics in a Time of Corona

Politics in a Time of Corona

Israel finds itself in an unprecedented political situation at a time it must face a worldwide pandemic.

Surveillance While the Coronavirus Pandemic is Raging

Surveillance While the Coronavirus Pandemic is Raging

How is the coronavirus pandemic changing the way governments track their citizens? IDI expert takes a look around the world to see what policies countries are implementing.

Don’t Manage a Crisis under Threat of Investigation

Don’t Manage a Crisis under Threat of Investigation

Calls for the establishment of a state commission of inquiry the day after the corona, in the midst of the crisis, can lead decision-makers to make decisions based on wrong considerations

The Functioning of the Knesset during the Coronavirus Emergency

The Functioning of the Knesset during the Coronavirus Emergency

In this paper, we argue that in a public health emergency, such as the one we are experiencing now, when unprecedented means are being employed in the fight against COVID-19, the Knesset’s smooth functioning is even more essential, especially with regard to the need for strict and effective oversight of the government.

Surveillance of the Population: The Day after Corona

Surveillance of the Population: The Day after Corona

We must take advantage of the technological tools at our disposal to battle the coronavirus - without forfeiting our right to privacy

Convene the Knesset Plenum Without Delay - IDI Statement
Press Release

Convene the Knesset Plenum Without Delay - IDI Statement

IDI Statement to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein: Convene the Knesset Plenum without delay; failure to do so blatantly exceeds the bounds of your office and constitutes an unacceptable disregard for basic rules of democracy

The COVID-19 Crisis - Economic Impact and Economic Policies

The COVID-19 Crisis - Economic Impact and Economic Policies

What will be the economic ramifications of the coronavirus outbreak on the Israeli economy? Prof. Karnit Flug explains.

The Knesset Must Resume its Work Immediately
Press Release

The Knesset Must Resume its Work Immediately


Just as in parliaments around the world - the Israeli Knesset must resume its work.


Virus and Democracy

Virus and Democracy

Even a life-saving measure must be weighed against the threat it poses to democracy -- we do it all the time

Coronavirus Crisis: Implications of ISA Tracking Citizens

Coronavirus Crisis: Implications of ISA Tracking Citizens

The new regulations that allow the ISA to track citizens threatens our right to privacy, and set a dangerous precedent that could remain with us long after the COVID-19 crisis comes to an end

Private Member Bills: A Review and Recommendations

Private Member Bills: A Review and Recommendations

Since the early 2000s, we have seen an unusual rise in the number of private member bills submitted to the Knesset

Israel's Third Elections Marks the Defeat of Rabbi Kook’s Dream

Israel's Third Elections Marks the Defeat of Rabbi Kook’s Dream

Let’s imagine a conversation between Rabbi Abraham Isaac Hacohen Kook, religious Zionism’s greatest thinker, and the four Yamina Party leaders.

The Arab Israeli Vote in the 23rd Knesset Elections

The Arab Israeli Vote in the 23rd Knesset Elections

The people had their say in these elections. A majority of the Arab Israeli public (65%) turned out to proclaim a resounding vote of confidence in the Joint List

Governments of Experts: Desperate Measures for Desperate Times?

Governments of Experts: Desperate Measures for Desperate Times?

The results of this third round of elections would seem to indicate that, once again, no decisive victory has been won, and that the Israeli political system is likely to remain stuck at the same dead end at which it has been stranded for the last year. Could a government of experts resolve the crisis?

Incumbent Minority Governments

Incumbent Minority Governments

Although there is no precedent in Israel's history for forming a minority government immediately after an election, minority governments around the world are far from a rarity.

Prime Minister on Trial - Explainer

Prime Minister on Trial - Explainer

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s trial in the Jerusalem District Court is to begin on March 17th. Dr. Amir Fuchs, a researcher at the Israel Democracy Institute provides responses to key questions as to what this process will look like.

All About Splits

All About Splits

How can MKs 'cross the floor' and what sanctions might they face? An explainer by Dr. Assaf Shapira

What’s at Stake in This Election?

What’s at Stake in This Election?

A 3-pronged plan to change the balance of power in government threatens everyone who cares about human rights, regardless of politics

5 days to the Election: Jewish Israelis are Paying Less Attention
Israeli Voice Index

5 days to the Election: Jewish Israelis are Paying Less Attention

5 days to the Elections: Jewish Israelis are Paying Less Attention. A Majority of Arab Israelis are Following with the Same or Increased Interest. 30% of the Public Predicts a Fourth Election.

30% of the Public Predicts a Fourth Election
Press Release

30% of the Public Predicts a Fourth Election

With only a few days to the Elections, the February Israeli Voice Index finds that Jewish Israelis are Paying Less Attention, while a Majority of Arab Israelis are Following with the Same or Increased Interest. 30% of the Public Predicts a Fourth Election.

A Blow to the IDF as the ‘People’s Army’

A Blow to the IDF as the ‘People’s Army’

A proposal by the panel appointed to investigate ultra-Orthodox enlistment to lower the exemption age defies multiple High Court rulings

A New Political Card

A New Political Card

Has the "Deal of the Century" injected energy into Israel's third election and perhaps provided an incentive for Arab Israelis to turn out in higher numbers than September? Arik Rudnitzky uses the village of Bartaa as a possible case study.

Getting Stay-at-Home Potential Voters to the Polls for Israeli Elections

Getting Stay-at-Home Potential Voters to the Polls for Israeli Elections

Rather than “packaging” voting as a political, civic and moral obligation, we should try instead to get these potential voters to think about the personal benefits to be gained by going to the polls.

Towards a New Covenant on Religion and State in Israel: Conference
Press Release

Towards a New Covenant on Religion and State in Israel: Conference

At IDI's conference Former Defense Minister MK Avigdor Liberman said he will not advance the recruitment plan he had drafted with the Ministry of Defense. "Every 18-year-old will be required to enlist."

Towards a New Covenant on Religion and State in Israel

Towards a New Covenant on Religion and State in Israel

After years of struggles over issues related to religion and state, we hereby agree to adopt a new approach, which will create a covenant to provide a new system of arrangements and agreements to strengthen the link between the Israeli public and the Jewish identity of the State of Israel.

Stop the Use by All Parties of Election-Management Software
Press Release

Stop the Use by All Parties of Election-Management Software

The Israel Democracy Institute has submitted a professional opinion to the chair of the Central Elections Committee, Justice Neal Hendel, asking the Committee to prohibit the use of election-management software until appropriate regulations for its use are in place.