Israel at War | Israel's Shared Society

Publications Regarding Israel at War | Israel's Shared Society


Press Release

IDI Releases New Survey Findings on Haredim; Convenes Haredi & Arab Leaders to Advanced Shared Society

The Israel Democracy Institute’s Joan and Irwin Jacobs Center for Shared Society convened its annual conference to discuss key issues of shared society.


October 7 and 9/11, As Taught In Classrooms

The connection between October 7th and September 11th are not just in the magnitude of the tragedy and their ongoing global impact, but in the messaging and paradigms introduced into the educational system, as it attempts to tackle this fateful event. The education system has a critical role to play in allowing society to deal constructively with the consequences of the current war.

Special Project

Tikun Leil Shavuot: Source Materials on Ultra-Orthodox IDF Service and Military Exemptions

Ahead of the Shavuot holiday, the Israel Democracy Institute is releasing a series of source materials for study during the "tikkun leil Shavuot" (the traditional Shavuot eve study session).


The Modern Haredi, As Envisioned by Rabbi David Leibel

Recently, a new answer to the dilemma of the 'modern Haredi' has been advanced enthusiastically by Rabbi David Leibel, one that maintains religiosity while increasing civic participation in the economy and in defense of Israel. 


A New Social Contract with the IDF? On the Benefits of Waiting to Decide

The need for expanded IDF service is clear—but the options for achieving this are rife with political contention and economic consequences. The time to rethink long-term security arrangements is after the fog of war lifts, under newly elected leaders with broad public legitimacy. 

Special Survey

Most Arab Israelis: October 7 Attack Does Not Reflect Islamic, Palestinian, or Arab Society Values

56% of all Arab Israelis say the attack by Hamas on October 7 does not reflect Arab society, the Palestinian people, and the Islamic nation. 33% say it does and 11% are unsure.


Amend the Nation-State Law. Now.

Israel's non-Jewish minorities—particularly those who are fighting and dying for the State of Israel—are worthy of appreciation and recognition, not separately, but as equals. The solution is to amend the Nation State Law, not to pass a new, separate basic law as is currently under consideration.


Challenges and Threats: Arab Society in Israel During the War in Gaza

Conciliation between Jews and Arabs in Israel is not just a moral imperative, but also a necessary condition for maintaining peace and stability in the country.


On a tightrope: Israel’s Arab citizens and the War Between Israel and Hamas

The political mainstream in Arab society identifies with the Palestinian cause, namely the struggle for a two-state solution and peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The vast majority of Arab citizens strongly criticizes Hamas’ practices and completely rejects Hamas’ militant approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


The Gap Between the Haredi Public and Politicians

The divide between Israel's Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) public and the Haredi establishment and political leadership has never been more striking. Many parts of Haredi society have joined the national war efforts while the Haredi political leadership have acted as if nothing has happened. 


Haredi Enlistment for the Current War with Hamas is a Sign of a New Model of Rabbinic Leadership

The heads of the established traditional Haredi yeshivot have instructed their institutions to continue studies as normal during the current state of emergency, in accordance with the belief in the power of Torah study to protect the people of Israel. By contrast, the messages heard from various other rabbis reflect an understanding of changing needs and offer a blueprint for a new leadership vision.


Haredi Enlistment In the IDF – A New Normal?

A growing number of Haredi men are volunteering for the IDF following the outbreak of the war against Hamas. This trend may signify that the “modern Haredi” phenomenon may be developing into a real movement.