Police and Internal Security

Publications Regarding Police and Internal Security



Explainer: The Prime Minister’s Decision to Pursue the Dismissal of the Head of the Shin Bet

On March 20, 2025, Israel’s government voted in favor of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to dismiss Ronen Bar, head of the Shin Bet, citing "growing distrust" in the security chief. The following document answers key legal questions around this announcement.


Does Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar's dismissal endanger Israeli democracy?

Prime Minister Netanyahu has informed Israel Security Agency Shin Bet Director Ronen Bar of his decision to fire him. Netanyahu cited his mounting lack of confidence in Bar as grounds for his dismissal. KAN's Mark Weiss spoke about the prime minister’s decision to dismiss Ronen Bar with Prof Amichai Cohen, a Senior Fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute.


Four Comments on the Decision to Dismiss the Head of the Shin Bet

On March 16, 2025, Prime Minister Netanyahu announced his intention to bring the dismissal of Ronen Bar, the head of the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet), Israel's internal security service, to a vote of the full cabinet. Though not a perfect comparison, the Shin Bet is often seen as comparable to the FBI in the US.  


There Are Things the Government Can Do to Combat Crime in Arab Society. It Must Do Them Now.

Crime in Arab society has seen an unprecedented surge in the past couple of years posing a threat to Israeli society as a whole. What's needed is a real political commitment to the issue, making it clear to criminals that they face the entire state and society. 


A Dangerous Attempt to Politicize Israel's National Security

Defense Minister Katz recent demand that the IDF Chief of Staff reprimand the Chief of the IDF Intelligence Directorate for presenting the possible security implications of the "Trump plan" for Gaza is the latest in several steps that threaten to politicize Israel's national security agencies, a process that could be disastrous for the country.


The Takeover of Law Enforcement and Security Agencies as a Pivotal Factor in Democratic Decline | A Comparative Analysis

Law enforcement and security agencies are central pillars of democratic rule, and therefore, their capture is a pivotal factor in democratic decline. A comparative analysis by IDI experts reveals that this takeover is often achieved quietly while striving to present all steps as lawful. 

Special Survey

“Democracy on the Frontlines” Conference Survey

Only a small minority of the Israeli public (8%) think that the judicial overhaul should be the government’s highest priority today; The majority of respondents (53%) support keeping the current structure of the Judicial Selection Committee. Only around a quarter (27%) suppor adding politicians to the Committee.

Special Survey

IDI Survey: Most Jewish Israelis feel safer in a scenario with high number of civilian firearms; most Arabs feel less safe

The Center for Security and Democracy and the Viterbi Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research at the Israel and personal security—the present release focuses on internal security; a press release will follow tomorrow focusing on national security.


The Police Commissioner’s Response to the Attorney General is Worrying, Erroneous and Dangerous

The Police Commissioner's decision to terminate the Israel Police Legal Advisor without consulting the Attorney General to whom the Police Lega Advisor is professionally subordinate the most recent worrying sign of the problematic relations between the Attorney General and various government officials.


Fear of Politicization of Police Prosecution: A Sign to Separate from the Police

To protect the credibility of the police as an impartial law enforcement agency, independent oversight over the police prosecution unit - the police unit that issues criminal charges - must be increased through the Attorney General's office.

Special Project

The Judicial Overhaul and Anti-Democratic Initiatives - Part II

IDI experts outline the initiatives and measures undertaken by the government that, taken together, constitute a concentrated effort undermine Israel's democratic institutions. At the core of these efforts is a dramatic attempt to weaken the status of the Attorney General; increased politicization of the police; continued undermining of the independence of the judiciary and more.


The Independence of the Israel Police and the Limits of Political Intervention in Its Operations

Israeli Supreme Court Hearing on what is known as the "Ben Gvir Amendment" to the Israel Police Ordinance.