page 4 - Press releases - The Israel Democracy Institute


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Is it Trump, Zuckerberg or Us - Whose Fault is Fake News?

"Weak media leads to fake news"

David Zeev (Reshet Bet) talks to Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, 

The panel: Is it Trump, Zuckerberg or US - Whose Fault is Fake News? was held at the Globes-Israel Business Conference in Jerusalem on January 11, 2018.


5 Things You Must Know About the ultra-Orthodox Community in Israel

How many ultra-Orthodox live in Israel today? How many will watch this clip on the internet? How are ultra-Orthodox women transforming their community? How many are employed? What age to they get married?

How Hard Is It to Do Business in Israel?
Press Release

How Hard Is It to Do Business in Israel?

"In order to change this trend, we must increase the use of technological tools and behavioral economics."

Peace Index: 40% of Israelis Believe that Rifts Between Groups Will Widen
Press Release

Peace Index: 40% of Israelis Believe that Rifts Between Groups Will Widen

Monthly survey also finds that 84.5% of Israeli public defines mood as good or very good while 43% expresses trust in Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Supreme Court Strikes Down ultra-Orthodox Exemption From Military
Press Release

Supreme Court Strikes Down ultra-Orthodox Exemption From Military

IDI responds to high court ruling: “The time has come for our politicians to demonstrate leadership and work to enact a more equitable and effective arrangement.”

'Yes' to a Nation-State, 'No' to a Nationalistic State!
Press Release

'Yes' to a Nation-State, 'No' to a Nationalistic State!

Leaders of the Israel Democracy Institute call for alternative proposal that would place nation-state of the Jewish people on equal footing with democratic obligation to equality for all Israeli citizens.

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IDI Presents Outstanding Parliamentarian Award to MKs Elharar and Folkman

Knesset Speaker MK Yuli Edelstein: "It's time to bring the rules of the game back to the Knesset

IDI Scholar Responds to Chief Rabbinate’s Blacklist
Press Release

IDI Scholar Responds to Chief Rabbinate’s Blacklist

'There is no justification for preemptively disqualifying all rabbis and approving only those who have proven themselves to be kosher.'

Three Years since Operation Protective Edge, Israeli Public Defines Israel’s Security Situation as Good
Press Release

Three Years since Operation Protective Edge, Israeli Public Defines Israel’s Security Situation as Good

Latest Peace Index: More than half of Jewish and Arab Israelis see high chances of war between Hamas and Israel in coming year


New IDI Study Calls for Breaking Up the Religious Councils
Press Release

New IDI Study Calls for Breaking Up the Religious Councils

Study results: Grave failures in the functioning of the councils and in the religious services they provide

IDI Response to Western Wall Decision
Press Release

IDI Response to Western Wall Decision

'The longer we fail to give equal rights and recognition to the non-Orthodox streams of Judaism, the deeper the fissure between Israel and Jews of the Diaspora will become'

Deputy A-G Licht: ‘Reduction of Regulation Should Not Harm the Public or the Government'

Deputy A-G Licht: ‘Reduction of Regulation Should Not Harm the Public or the Government'

Ministry of Finance’s Hizkiyahu: ‘Israel has an anti-business environment’

Eli Groner, Director-General, PMO: ‘When There is Excess Regulation, 99% of the Public Suffers and 1% Earns’

Eli Groner, Director-General, PMO: ‘When There is Excess Regulation, 99% of the Public Suffers and 1% Earns’

Day 2 of the Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society highlights challenges and solutions for Israel’s excess regulation and bureaucracy


BOI Governor Flug Says Israeli Economy is ‘Not Renewing Enough’

BOI Governor Flug Says Israeli Economy is ‘Not Renewing Enough’

‘In skills and problem solving, we are at the bottom [of international indices] and it is quite embarrassing for a country that is referred to as the Startup Nation,’ Flug said

Avi Nissenkorn, Histadrut Labor Union Chair: Government has Failed to Fix Inconceivable Socioeconomic Gaps

Avi Nissenkorn, Histadrut Labor Union Chair: Government has Failed to Fix Inconceivable Socioeconomic Gaps

Avi Simhon, PMO’s Office: Those without special skills will find themselves competing with China, the Philippines and Thailand

Prof. Nathan Sussman: Israel is in a vicious, downward economic cycle

Prof. Nathan Sussman: Israel is in a vicious, downward economic cycle

Reem Younis of Alpha Omega: Arab engineers are being trained in Israel but leaving the country

Ministry of Finance’s Babad: Stop Forcing Ultra-Orthodox to Study Core Curriculum, Consider Alternative Technology Track

Ministry of Finance’s Babad: Stop Forcing Ultra-Orthodox to Study Core Curriculum, Consider Alternative Technology Track

Minister Bennett, Startup Nation Central's Kandel and Leumi Group’s Russak-Aminoach headline 2017 Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society

Two Economies - One Society: New Survey
Press Release

Two Economies - One Society: New Survey

Survey to serve as backdrop for discussion at Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society – June 19 and 20

Proposed Ethics Code for Universities: IDI Leaders Respond to Minister Bennett and Members of the Council for Higher Education
Press Release

Proposed Ethics Code for Universities: IDI Leaders Respond to Minister Bennett and Members of the Council for Higher Education

‘Contrary to earlier reports, there is no similarity between the proposed code of ethics and the American code’

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Press Release

IDI Statement on Naftali Bennett's New Ethics Code

“Such an ethical code tramples freedom of expression with a heavy foot."

62% of Jewish Public: Holding onto Territories in Judea, Samaria Not An Occupation
Press Release

62% of Jewish Public: Holding onto Territories in Judea, Samaria Not An Occupation

Post Trump visit: 59% of Jewish public - low chance of U.S. President bringing Israelis, Palestinians back to negotiating table

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Press Release

Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society

With the featured participation of: Bank of Israel Governor, Education Minister, Economy Minister, Director-General of the Finance Ministry, Director-General of the Prime Minister Office, Chairman of the Histadrut Labor Federation, Director-General of Bank Leumi, Director General of Microsoft Israel and other VIPs

IDI Scholars  Respond to  Bill to Cancel Supreme Court Seniority System
Press Release

IDI Scholars Respond to Bill to Cancel Supreme Court Seniority System

The Israel Democracy Institute responded Thursday to the proposed bill to cancel the seniority system and deferral of deliberations on choosing Esther Hayut as the president of the Supreme Court, saying such steps harm the basic principles of the work of the judicial branch.

Police-Society Forum
Press Release

Police-Society Forum

Police-Society Forum convenes at IDI to discuss issues related to law, order and enforcement among Israeli citizens

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Press Release

The Israel Democracy Institute criticizes decision to reduce search committees for public service employees from 5 to 3 and says discussions of allowing additional political appointees ‘will harm the professional ethos of the public service’

IDI President Yohanan Plesner said of this latest development: “While one hand in the government is taking significant steps to diminish regulation and improve human resources in the public service, the other hand is harming these efforts.

Surveys: 50 Years Since the Six-Day War
Press Release

Surveys: 50 Years Since the Six-Day War

The Guttman Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research (then the Guttman Center) carried out a series of surveys just before, during and after the war.

Knesset Proposal to Impose Sanctions on Non-Attendance at Parliamentary Committee Meetings:
Press Release

Knesset Proposal to Impose Sanctions on Non-Attendance at Parliamentary Committee Meetings:

IDI scholar recommends adopting a proposed amendment to Basic Law: The Knesset, aimed at penalizing Knesset committee members who are invited to testify or submit information but do not comply.

IDI Ahead of Deliberations on Removing Tax Benefits from Human Rights Organizations:
Press Release

IDI Ahead of Deliberations on Removing Tax Benefits from Human Rights Organizations:

‘The bill will harm nonprofit organizations that lend a helping hand to humanitarian purposes like assisting Syrian children’

Time to Privatize the Kosher Certification System
Press Release

Time to Privatize the Kosher Certification System

In order to grant better, cheaper and friendlier kosher certification, we must privatize the kosher certification system, break up the Chief Rabbinate’s monopoly, and rely on the unwavering market of 70 percent of Israeli Jews in the state who eat kosher food.