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Knesset Proposal to Impose Sanctions on Non-Attendance at Parliamentary Committee Meetings:
Press Release

Knesset Proposal to Impose Sanctions on Non-Attendance at Parliamentary Committee Meetings:

IDI scholar recommends adopting a proposed amendment to Basic Law: The Knesset, aimed at penalizing Knesset committee members who are invited to testify or submit information but do not comply.

IDI Ahead of Deliberations on Removing Tax Benefits from Human Rights Organizations:
Press Release

IDI Ahead of Deliberations on Removing Tax Benefits from Human Rights Organizations:

‘The bill will harm nonprofit organizations that lend a helping hand to humanitarian purposes like assisting Syrian children’

Time to Privatize the Kosher Certification System
Press Release

Time to Privatize the Kosher Certification System

In order to grant better, cheaper and friendlier kosher certification, we must privatize the kosher certification system, break up the Chief Rabbinate’s monopoly, and rely on the unwavering market of 70 percent of Israeli Jews in the state who eat kosher food.

The Israel Democracy Institute Ahead of Sunday’s Deliberations on the Amendment to the Bill on Public Broadcasting:
Press Release

The Israel Democracy Institute Ahead of Sunday’s Deliberations on the Amendment to the Bill on Public Broadcasting:

Ahead of the expected debate on the amendment to the public broadcasting law that is expected to take place on Sunday, IDI scholars resent a policy statement to legislators calling on them to stop this “unprofessional and shameful” legislative process and to enable the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation to go on air.

How's It Going?
Press Release

How's It Going?

80% of Israelis are proud to be Israeli; 71% are optimistic about Israel’s future; and 38% see social gaps as a major challenge


The State of Israeli Democracy: How Do Israelis Feel About Israel?

Those who get their information about Israel from the outside, might think the situation in Israel is not so great. But inside Israel, citizens are fairly proud, unified and optimistic.

In Advance of Knesset vote on Israel Broadcasting Corporation, IDI calls on Ministers and MKs:
Press Release

In Advance of Knesset vote on Israel Broadcasting Corporation, IDI calls on Ministers and MKs:

In preparation for the Knesset vote on Tuesday on the fate of the Israel Broadcasting Corporation (IBC), leaders at the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) are calling on ministers to vote against the memorandum so as not to participate “in this campaign of revenge and inappropriate personal legislation.”

Equal Opportunity for Israeli Arabs
Research Reel

Equal Opportunity for Israeli Arabs


Recent findings by the Central Bureau of Statistics on the Israeli labor market reveal that 80% of the country's Arab citizens are employed in jobs with difficult physical conditions. Watch a Research Reel about the NEET phenomenon among Israel’s Arabs.

Senior Israeli Reporters Discuss the Need for a Free and Independent Press

Senior Israeli Reporters Discuss the Need for a Free and Independent Press

Especially now, it is important to remember: There is no watchdog that is more important, that barks louder or is more effective at safeguarding Israeli democracy.

 IDI Scholar on Supreme Court Decision to Allow Supermarkets and Entertainment Establishments to Operate on Shabbat in Tel Aviv
Press Release

IDI Scholar on Supreme Court Decision to Allow Supermarkets and Entertainment Establishments to Operate on Shabbat in Tel Aviv

“Instead of devising agreements through consensus on the matter of ‘resting on Shabbat’ as we do on other topics, we have a state of legal and procedural chaos,” explained Dr. Shuki Friedman. “It’s a situation of each man for himself.”

IDI's Malach: 'Kahlon Net Family Plan Could Give a Boost to Haredi Middle Class, Too'
Press Release

IDI's Malach: 'Kahlon Net Family Plan Could Give a Boost to Haredi Middle Class, Too'

Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon’s Net Family Plan could give a boost to the haredi middle class, which has been developing over the last several years, by increasing the incentive for haredim to seek a higher education and for both parents to work.

IDI Scholars: 'Gender-Separate Classrooms Could Enable More Ultra-Orthodox Students to Attain Higher Education Degrees'
Press Release

IDI Scholars: 'Gender-Separate Classrooms Could Enable More Ultra-Orthodox Students to Attain Higher Education Degrees'

In the coming weeks, members of the Council of Higher Education will vote on expanding gender-separated classrooms for ultra-Orthodox on academic campuses.

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: 'Legislation is like medicine'
Press Release

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: 'Legislation is like medicine'

At joint Israel Democracy Institute-Makor Rishon conference, ministers also addressed chemical weapons tragedy in Syria.

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Press Release

If Elections Were Held Tomorrow, Israelis Would Select a Right-of-Center Government

Latest Peace Index: Trump’s White House invitation to Abbas not viewed as negative toward Israel; Israelis believe chances of Israeli-Syrian war low

The State of Israeli Democracy: How does Israel Measure Up?

The State of Israeli Democracy: How does Israel Measure Up?

There is a sizeable gap between the way Israelis view their political situation and the way the world assesses the Jewish state.

IDI Responds to Deal Resolving Dispute over Public Broadcasting

IDI Responds to Deal Resolving Dispute over Public Broadcasting

IDI President Yohanan Plesner and Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler call on members of Knesset, as public servants, as well as other watchdogs, to oppose the new framework.

Security and Democracy in the Modern Era
Research Reel

Security and Democracy in the Modern Era

Israel has been in a state of emergency since 1948. But the nature of the threat has changed over-time—from full-scale military invasions to isolated airplane hijackings, from suicide bombings to missile attacks, and most recently, cyber and lone wolf terrorism.
These ever-evolving threats necessitate new responses and strategies.

Research Reel

Privacy Matters in the Digital Age

Priavcy is a requirement for the proper functioning of any democratic society.

10 Past Ministers Come Out Against Changes to Public Broadcasting Law
Press Release

10 Past Ministers Come Out Against Changes to Public Broadcasting Law

Ministers say the current law, which separates public broadcasting from politics, is good and sound.

Israelis: Trump Will Allow Construction in the Territories
Press Release

Israelis: Trump Will Allow Construction in the Territories

Latest Peace Index shows majority of Jewish Israelis think Netanyahu’s performance is not very good.

Who are Israel's Haredim?

Who are Israel's Haredim?

New statistics shed light on a population that was once hidden behind "walls of holiness." Today, those walls are beginning to break.

Ultra-Orthodox Employment Levels Stop Increasing
Press Release

Ultra-Orthodox Employment Levels Stop Increasing

The percentage of ultra-Orthodox men who work stagnated in 2016 for the first time after a consistent upturn over the past several years, according to a new report by the Central Bureau of Statistics.

IDI Ahead of the Vote on the V-15 Bill:
Press Release

IDI Ahead of the Vote on the V-15 Bill:

‘The bill sets an extremist and dim precedent, which casts a shadow of harsh limitations on freedom of expression’

Arab Political Leadership in Israel
Press Release

Arab Political Leadership in Israel

MK Dr. Benny Begin: "Before finalizing the five-year plan for the Arab community, 40 to 50 meetings were held between government representatives and Arab Knesset members."

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Press Release

Dr. Shuki Friedman: 'New Kashrut Model Must Put an End to Chief Rabbinate's Monopoly'

Dr. Shuki Friedman responds to the Supreme Court discussion Tuesday on the Chief Rabbinate’s monopoly on kosher certification.

50% of Jewish public Hesitant to Expand Settlement Construction, Even with Trump at Helm
Press Release

50% of Jewish public Hesitant to Expand Settlement Construction, Even with Trump at Helm

In addition to questions about building in or annexing parts of Judea and Samaria, the Peace Index looked at aspects of the investigations of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, including trust in the police and in the attorney-general. In light of what has been revealed about conversations between Netanyahu and Yedioth Ahronoth publisher Arnon Mozes, the Peace Index looked at the public’s attitude toward Israeli media.

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Press Release

IDI Scholars Call on Government to Implement Kotel Compromise

“The Kotel compromise presents a proper balance between the will and desire of Orthodox individuals - who are the majority of those praying at the Western Wall -- to continue praying in the main plaza as they always have, and the will and desire of other Jewish groups that want to pray in the vicinity of the Kotel according to their faith."