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In the coming elections, Israel must return to a two-bloc system!

In wake of Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman's surprise resignation yesterday, the country seems headed to elections. We must put an end to this political instability. This is not a question of left vs. right: establishing a system with two large political parties will encourage both to move closer to the center and represent the interests of Israeli society as a whole

Beit Shemesh and Tel Aviv

Beit Shemesh and Tel Aviv

How despicable is a mob that calls for non-partisanship but is unwilling to listen to a voice that speaks for a majority of Israelis today?

Local Government and Local Elections: Time to Move Away from Centralized Thinking

Local Government and Local Elections: Time to Move Away from Centralized Thinking

Israel’s system of local elections has been in place since the 1970s - but is it optimal? Prof. Gideon Rahat proposes reform to enhance the compatibility of the system to the characteristics and needs of different localities.


IDI Regulatory Roadmap for Investors

Daphna Aviram-Nitzan and her team at IDI set out 18 months ago to resolve some of the heavy bureaucratic and regulatory burden with which the business sector must contend when establishing new manufacturing plants and doing business in Israel. The result is the “Regulatory One-Stop-Shop for Investors”, which was adopted in August 2018 by the government to improve the ease of doing business in Israel.

Faith and the City

Faith and the City

In an op-ed for the Jerusalem Post, Dr. Shuki Friedman, Head of IDI's Center for Religion, Nation and State, explains how local government plays a critical role in balancing religion and state in day-to-day life in Israel.

Israel Climbs Five Spots in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index

Israel Climbs Five Spots in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index

Israel improved by five spots over last year in the index of 190 countries. In first place is New Zealand, followed by Singapore, Denmark, Hong Kong, and South Korea. The Ease of Doing Business Index is an international indicator of how easy it is to do business in various countries.

Israeli Democracy at 70

Israeli Democracy at 70

Israel at 70 is still a thriving democracy, but current concerns are justified, says Alona Vinograd in an interview to Fathom.

The Municipal Elections 2018: Digital Resilience

The Municipal Elections 2018: Digital Resilience

The digital domain has developed into something of a wild west for election campaigning in recent years. While there are strict laws governing the press, radio, and television, there are almost no restrictions on online campaigning, such as on the forms of advertising permitted, the use of personal data, and advertising budgets. This lack of regulation has already been shown to potentially affect election results, and may lead to the misuse of information on residents, routinely collected by the municipality as part of its function by those in positions of power in local government. 


Reinventing the Start-Up Nation's Labor Laws

There is a glaring gap between the tremendous promise of Israel’s innovating workforce and the antiquated laws that constrain its productivity. In this video, IDI Senior Fellow Prof. Yotam Margalit proposes a series of changes to Israeli labor law, including new mechanisms for flexible working arrangements that will benefit both employers and employees.


Sharing Working Spaces: Jews and Arabs

Nasreen Hadad Haj-Yahya’s research finds that shared work spaces in Israel benefit both Jews and Arabs alike. Moreover, working together reduces alienation, erodes stereotypes, and contributes to the Israeli economy.

Why Local Elections Matter

Why Local Elections Matter

"While Israeli national politics get most of the coverage, it is the local level that in many cases has the greatest impact on Israeli lives." Read Yohanan Plesner's op-ed on the upcoming municipal elections and why electoral reform is required, both on the local and national level.

 A Show of Global Solidarity – The UN and Human Rights

A Show of Global Solidarity – The UN and Human Rights

The United Nations, with all its many flaws, has an essential role to play in promoting the basic idea that any and all individuals must enjoy human rights.

Is It a Very Scary Time for Young Men?
Press Release

Is It a Very Scary Time for Young Men?

The monthly Peace Index of the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University finds that: 44% of Jewish and Arab Israelis agree with President Trump’s statement that “It’s a very scary time for young men” – the percentage among men who agreed was significantly higher than that among women.

Two States for Two People? A Long Decline in Support

Two States for Two People? A Long Decline in Support

For the past few decades, support and opposition to a two state solution has been a fault line dividing people and parties in Israel. Dr. William Cubbison presents an overview of the level of Jewish support in the 25 years since the signing of the Oslo Accords.

Strengthening Jewish Unity by Strengthening Israeli Democracy

Strengthening Jewish Unity by Strengthening Israeli Democracy

As Israel enters its eighth decade, Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, reflects on the delicate balance between the state’s two dominant characteristics – Jewish and democratic – which has never been more contested.

A Weak and Inefficient Knesset

A Weak and Inefficient Knesset

In a democracy, parliaments are supposed to not only pass laws but also engage in oversight; that is, to ensure that legislation is implemented and identify deficiencies in the government’s work.

Is There a Connection Between Corruption and Term Limits in Local Government?

Is There a Connection Between Corruption and Term Limits in Local Government?

Recent years have seen the emergence of dozens of corruption scandals involving local government in Israel. Subsequently there have been calls to set mayoral term limits to prevent graft and corruption. Dr. Ofer Kenig and Shahaf Zamir's dispel the idea that there is a connection between the length of a mayors term and levels of corruption.

Shabbat in the City

Shabbat in the City

A recent law stripped local authorities of the power to decide on allowing commercial activity on Shabbat and handed it over to the Minister of the Interior, a development which was met with public uproar. Would it not be better to leave these powers in the hands of the municipalities, which act according to the profile of their resident population? Dr. Shuki Friedman makes the case for leaving these decisions in the hands of the local authority.


Meet the Next Generation of IDI Leaders

Meet the Next Generation of IDI Leaders

Guaranteeing an independent Supreme Court. Integrating the Ultra-Orthodox into the IDF. Boosting participation of Arab women in the workforce. Improving the ease of doing business in Israel. These are some of the challenges facing IDI’s new cadre of program and center directors.

Ultra-Orthodox Parties in Municipalities in Israel

Ultra-Orthodox Parties in Municipalities in Israel

Tomorrow's elections will determine the local government in 251 cities, towns and municipalities. Of all the political parties represented at a national level in Israel, the ultra-Orthodox parties are the most successful in local government. What are the reasons behind this interesting trend? Read Dr. Gilad Malach's fascinating findings.

The “People’s Army”?

The “People’s Army”?

This article presents the main milestones in the recurring attempts to put a satisfactory arrangement for the deferment of military service for yeshiva students in place. In doing so, it surfaces the changes that have occurred over time in the constitutional, legal, and public responses and attitudes on this issue.

The 2018 Municipal Elections: “Mixed” but Unequal

The 2018 Municipal Elections: “Mixed” but Unequal

Comparitively low representation of Arab residents in the municipal government of “mixed” cities adversely affects their trust and sense of belonging as well as their affinity in the municipality.

Personal Story

The Override Clause and Gender Equality in the IDF

Alice Miller describes how the High Court of Justice helped change women’s military service and improve gender equality in the IDF

Personal Story

The Override Clause and Equality in Schools

Attorney Yoav Laloum relates how by petitioning the High Court of Justice he was able to stop ethnic separation in ultra-Orthodox educational institutions

Personal Story

The Override Clause and Special Needs Children

Ilil Leder, relates how she was able to achieve equality in education for her daughter and all special needs children with the help of the High Court of Justice

Understanding How Bibi's 'Gift Affair' Might Have Happened

Understanding How Bibi's 'Gift Affair' Might Have Happened

In an interview Prof. Yuval Feldman, discusses his new book "The Law of Good People" and sheds light on the connection between good people and corruption.

The Struggle Over the Definition of Jewishness Is Now Existential

The Struggle Over the Definition of Jewishness Is Now Existential

The centrality granted to the Jewish component over the democratic one in the constitutional identity of the state and the increasing influence of religion on the lives of Israelis make defining Judaism all the more important

Personal Story

The Override Clause and Shielding School Classrooms

Batya Katar describes how she was able to make the state allocate the necessary budget to shield classrooms against rockets through the intervention of the High Court of Justice

In Grand Debut, Israel's Nation-state Law Reveals Its Ugly True Colors

In Grand Debut, Israel's Nation-state Law Reveals Its Ugly True Colors

The deputy president of the Jerusalem District Court inaugurated the Basic Law on Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, issuing the first verdict based on it -  imposing punitive damages on Hamas for the severe post-traumatic stress suffered by a Jewish Israeli wounded in a terror attack in Tel Aviv in 1998. 


Why Did Israel Handcuff and Deport a French-American Law Professor?

Why Did Israel Handcuff and Deport a French-American Law Professor?

"How good it is that there are judges in Jerusalem, including the Magistrate’s Court, whose insight has not deserted them, despite the demands on them by the government to function as automatons in the service of brutality."