
Publications Regarding regulation



Man vs. Machine: A Not Quite Fictional Story About AI Gone Rogue

A fictional tale of the very real danger in the absence of global regulation of AI.


Everything You Wanted to Know about the Law of Fundamentals of Regulation

In Israel, there are frequent complaints about over-regulation, burdensome bureaucracy and inefficient law. On the other hand, many acknowledge that there are areas where regulations are lacking or out of date. IDI experts weigh in and explains the proposed new law that are set to reform Israel's regulatory framework.


Using Ex-ante Pledges to Reduce Dishonesty and Improve Regulation

Reducing the regulatory burden is a key objective for many government ministries -but how can this be achieved while maintaining honest and ethical behaviour


Mission: Open a factory in Israel in 18 months

An ambitious plan aims at slashing the 4-6 years it currently takes to pass all the regulatory hurdles in Israel


IDI: Advocates of Diversity and Transparency in the Media

In a fiery op-ed, Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler responds to charges of bias and lays out IDI's pro-active agenda in favor of media diversity and transparency and its efforts to save the <em>Makor Rishon</em>  newspaper. 


Call for Proposals: Regulating the Activities of Lobbyists in the Knesset

On April 4, 2012, IDI published an ad in the Hebrew Haaretz daily newspaper, appealing to the public for input that will inform the Institute's efforts to draft a proposal for regulating the activities of lobbyists in the Knesset.
