Written By: Daphna Aviram-Nitzan, Yarden Kedar
New IDI survey finds that 250,000 Israelis, who are not working, and not receiving unemployment allowances, might soon be forced to rely on supplemental income support.
Written By: Daphna Aviram-Nitzan, Roe Kenneth Portal
The "great resignation" that has swept the US and UK in recent months is one of the symbols of the recovery from the pandemic. Is this trend taking place in Israel too?
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi
After more than 100 days in office – Israelis want the new government to prioritize stabilizing the economy and combatting COVID by imposing restrictions on the unvaccinated
Written By: Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, Brigadier General (res.) Itai Brun
The FDA ruling regarding the Pfizer booster shot may have not been completely in-line with the Health Ministry's recommendation, but the open and transparent decision-making processes employed by the American agency holds important lessons for Israel
Written By: Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler
Electronic bracelets should be used only after restricting access to information and ensuring its security
Written By: Ron Tzur, Prof. Nissim Cohen
Politicians and healthcare practitioners alike must learn from their experience and formulate strategy before it is too late.
Written By: Prof. Yuval Feldman
With the vaccines for Covid-19 soon to be made available and in light of the high rates of Israelis who do not want to be the first to get the vaccine - IDI expert Prof. Yuval Feldman explains how to encourage public cooperations in getting COVID-19 vaccines.
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi
62% of Haredim have very little or no confidence in Prime Minister Netanyahu's Handling of COVID-19; 60% think decision makers are guided mostly or only by political concerns
IDI's annual conference on National Security and Democracy, held in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Israel office), convened top officers and academic experts to discuss the changing relations between the IDF and Israeli society and draw lessons for the future from the military’s unprecedented involvement in the civilian COVID-19 crisis.
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi
This survey is the fourteenth in a special series examines the public attitudes towards government policies relating to the coronavirus outbreak and to the economic fallout from the pandemic
Written By: Dr. Shuki Friedman
In the second wave of the pandemic it seems that many ultra-Orthodox rabbis are assigning higher priority to 'customer retention' than to the clear halakhic imperative to preserve health and life
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
Rabbi Kanievsky’s decision to disregard the law and open ultra-Orthodox schools is the first time in Israeli history that we are seeing something that approaches a call for mass civil disobedience orchestrated by a key public figure.
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi
55 percent of Israelis believe that the second lockdown was solely or mainly politically motivated; The majority of the public continues to express confidence in Prof. Gamzu; Continued increase in public concern about the economy
At a session of a conference on "Policy or Culture?” held by IDI and the Sapir Academic College, Minister Chili Tropper spoke of the need for culture to fortify society and not fall victim to divisive discourse
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi
IDI's latest coronavirus survey found 45% of Israelis pessimistic about the country's ability to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. The survey also found that if opened, 74% of Israelis plan on sending their children to school
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi
A special survey, the tenth in this series, by the Guttman Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research at the Israel Democracy Institute examined public opinion about government policies relating to the coronavirus outbreak and the economic fallout from the pandemic.
IDI Coronavirus Survey finds that nearly half the population is pessimistic about Israel’s economic prospects
Written By: Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler
Information is power. Governments and private entities that have access to vast troves of information have vast power.
Written By: Yair Sheleg
In recent years, many comparisons have been made between two communities in Israel - the ultra-Orthodox and Arab Israelis. The coronavirus crisis has brought previously held assumptions into question.
Written By: Dr. Ariel Finkelstein
The lack of exposure to mainstream media outlets and the internet limits this community's access to Health Ministry instructions on the coronavirus.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
The tragic results of initial faulty advice from leading rabbis is a wake-up call to Haredi Jews to start making their own decisions.
Written By: Dr. Gilad Malach
Dr. Gilad Malach held a press briefing focused on the coronavirus’ effect on the ultra-Orthodox in Israel and what might be the long term implications for employment, use of technology and the attitude towards official state authorities in this often isolated community.
IDI Expert Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler: "Now is the time for the appropriate regulatory authorities to act and protect the privacy of Zoom's users."
Written By: Dr. Gilad Malach, Leehe Friedman
How can we curb the spread of the coronavirus in the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel? IDI experts explain
Special Coronavirus survey by the Israel Democracy Institute takes the Israeli pulse on the impact of the Coronavirus finds that 40% of Israelis feel they are experiencing high levels of stress and 65% are worried about their financial future.
With only a few days to the Elections, the February Israeli Voice Index finds that Jewish Israelis are Paying Less Attention, while a Majority of Arab Israelis are Following with the Same or Increased Interest. 30% of the Public Predicts a Fourth Election.
Written By: Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler
The sharing of medical data has extremely positive potential. It can help with predicting rare diseases, early detection and more exact diagnoses than are possible with existing medical capabilities.
Written By: Shlomit Kagya, Ola Nabwani, Avital Manor, Nabil Khattab, Sami Miaari
An article by members of IDI’s Arab-Jewish Relations research team, which explores the lack of social justice for Israel’s Arab minority in three areas: employment, healthcare, and the public sphere.
Written By: Shlomit Kagya, Nabil Khattab
A paper that reviews the state of research on health inequality between Jews and Arabs in Israel in order to develop a comprehensive research program that will contribute to the understanding of the factors leading to inequality.
Written By: Dr. Gilad Malach
Dr. Gilad Malach, Director of the Ultra-Orthodox in Israel Program at the Israel Democracy Institute, discusses how the COVID pandemic has affected the internal dynamics of Israel's Haredi communities, their relationship with their political leadership and with government as a whole.
Written By: Dr. Asaf Malchi
For many, the spiritual and educational dangers inherent in leaving large numbers of young people with no binding religious framework outweigh the health risks in keeping these institutions open
Written By: Dr. Idit Shafran Gittleman, Prof. Amichai Cohen
The decision to call in the IDF is dealing a double blow to the country - it is both ineffective and is damaging the public’s trust in the IDF
Written By: Dr. Rachel Aridor-Hershkovitz
Privacy doesn't have to be sacrificed in order to protect citizens from the coronavirus - it too must be protected