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Israelis Hope for More Unity and Closing Socioeconomic Gaps
Israeli Voice Index

Israelis Hope for More Unity and Closing Socioeconomic Gaps

If a new government is formed Israelis think that strengthening unity and closing socioeconomic gaps are the highest priority

The “Coalition for Change”: Prospects and Challenges

The “Coalition for Change”: Prospects and Challenges

If the “coalition for change” led by Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid does indeed come into being, it will be a rara avis on the national scene, with the potential to extract us from the political imbroglio we have been mired in for the past two years and more.

The Two Strategic Challenges Facing Israel's New President

The Two Strategic Challenges Facing Israel's New President

Israel needs a president who will position social solidarity and common purpose as supreme values as an alternative to the toxic competition between the competing political blocs that have held the Israeli people hostage.

Hamas, Israel, and the Comeback of Moral Luck

Hamas, Israel, and the Comeback of Moral Luck

Should guilt be determined by intent or outcome?

Prime Minister from a Small Party? Impossible? Well… There are Examples

Prime Minister from a Small Party? Impossible? Well… There are Examples

A government headed by a prime minister who leads small faction in the Knesset - how exceptional is such a scenario and to what extent is it prevalent in parliamentary systems? Prof. Ofer Kenig analyzes examples of parliamentary democracies where the prime minister hails from a small party.

The Israeli Presidential Race Begins

The Israeli Presidential Race Begins

The race for the election of the 11th President of Israel has officially begun. After the large number of candidates in the race that took place 7 years ago, this time only two will compete: Yitzhak Herzog and Miriam Peretz. Most of the candidates who have run for the presidency throughout Israel's history have had a political-partisan background; Most of them were men, aged sixty plus.


The Presidential Elections: The Rules of the Game 2021

Who elects the president? What are the candidacy requirements? What majority is needed to win the election, and how is it obtained? With the approach of the 2021 presidential elections, Prof. Ofer Kenig explains some of the basics.

Are the Presidential Elections: A Political Race for a Ceremonial Position?

Are the Presidential Elections: A Political Race for a Ceremonial Position?

As Israel approaches the election of its 11th president, Prof. Ofer Kenig surveys the results of past presidential elections and argues that although the role of the Israeli president is largely ceremonial, the race for the position is partisan and political.

Israelis Assess Operation "Guardian of the Walls"
Special Survey

Israelis Assess Operation "Guardian of the Walls"

78% of Israelis approve of the military's execution in Gaza, but only 31% of Israelis think a good job was done communicating the operation's goals to international audiences


An Iron-Clad Distinction: We Must Differentiate Between Hamas and the Riots Within Israel

An Iron-Clad Distinction: We Must Differentiate Between Hamas and the Riots Within Israel

Israel’s responses in each of these two arenas, internally in Israeli cities and externally vis-à-vis Gaza, may have dramatic consequences for the future. The ultimate goal of Hamas is to drag the “Arabs of 1948” (Israel’s Arab citizens) into the conflict. Even today, it is important to note the growing desire of the majority of Arab citizens to integrate in Israeli society, and to drive a wedge between them and the leaders in Gaza

Why Are Israel's Mixed Cities on Fire?

Why Are Israel's Mixed Cities on Fire?

The horrific violence that has erupted over the past few days between Israel's Jewish and Arab citizens came as a surprise to many - not so much to the Arab residents of the 'mixed cities'.

Behind the Security Council Discussions

Behind the Security Council Discussions

IDI experts answer questions on the balance of powers at the Security Council, whether any dramatic resolutions can be expected, and the extent to which the debate and international pressure effect the IDF.

Israel's Jerusalem Syndrome

Israel's Jerusalem Syndrome

The recent clashes in a capital where even the smallest spark can set its streets ablaze are a direct result of the city's long-term neglect of its disadvantaged Palestinian residents, among whom poverty rates are double that of Jewish Jerusalemites.

How Netanyahu Learned to Love Israeli Arab Parties

How Netanyahu Learned to Love Israeli Arab Parties

The prime minister who once presented Arab political leaders as a threat has legitimized them as potential coalition partners.

Israel’s Version of Moving Fast and Breaking Things: The New Cybersecurity Bill

Israel’s Version of Moving Fast and Breaking Things: The New Cybersecurity Bill

Can one regulator rule Israel’s cyber ecosystem?

70% Believe Israel is on its way to Fifth Election
Israeli Voice Index

70% Believe Israel is on its way to Fifth Election

With coalition negotiations faltering, the April Israeli Voice Index finds that 70% of Israelis think the country is on the way to a fifth election.

Education. For Democracy. Now.

Education. For Democracy. Now.

The education system must cultivate political and civic literacy of today’s pupils and tomorrow’s citizens


How Can We Escape the Merry-go Round of More and More (and More) Elections?

How Can We Escape the Merry-go Round of More and More (and More) Elections?

Had Israel adopted a number of reforms proposed in recent decades, today we would have a stable government and a budget—without a fourth election, without a political imbroglio, and without caretaker governments.

As the Margins Grow Wider, the Flames get Hotter

As the Margins Grow Wider, the Flames get Hotter

Though this handful of demonstrators is not representative of ultra-Orthodox society as a whole, it reflects a growing trend among young ultra-Orthodox men who find an outlet in right-wing protests.

The Arab Vote in the Elections for the 24th Knesset  (March 2021)

The Arab Vote in the Elections for the 24th Knesset (March 2021)

The recent elections proved, once again—especially against the backdrop of the Joint List’s meteoric success a year ago—the weakness of the parties’ base on the Arab street.

The Appointment of a Minister of Justice
Press Release

The Appointment of a Minister of Justice

The disregard shown for the Basic Law of Government, signed coalition agreements and the Attorney General’s legal ruling is unacceptable - agreement must be reached in appointing a Minister of Justice

Why Don't We Talk to the Teachers?

Why Don't We Talk to the Teachers?

The pandemic offers a chance for much-needed educational reform, but the hasty return is raising fears that the opportunities presented by the crisis for truly driving the education system forward into the 21st century are being missed

IDI Experts: MK Zohar is Exceeding His Authority as Chair by Refusing to Convene Arrangements Committee
Press Release

IDI Experts: MK Zohar is Exceeding His Authority as Chair by Refusing to Convene Arrangements Committee

The decision not to convene the Arrangements Committee prevents the Knesset from conducting itself as a legislative body and performing its oversight duties

Voting Patterns in Knesset Elections 2021 Vs. 2020

Voting Patterns in Knesset Elections 2021 Vs. 2020

In the March 2021 elections, Israel's fourth in two years, voter turnout was down throughout the country. Yet a comparison to the last round of elections in 2020 shows how a more substantial downturn in voting in religious and rightwing strongholds resulted in a significant weakening of Netanyahu's Likud party.

Why is Public Trust in the Supreme Court Falling?

Why is Public Trust in the Supreme Court Falling?

In an age of waning trust in state institutions and an ongoing health and democratic crisis, the public must be able to look towards the courts as a staunch defender of human rights and democratic structure.

Final Election Results 2021

Final Election Results 2021

One of the most striking elements to emerge from the preliminary results is that the current Knesset is going to be much more fragmented

A Minority Government? A Prime Minister from a Small or Medium-Sized Party? You’d Be Surprised…

A Minority Government? A Prime Minister from a Small or Medium-Sized Party? You’d Be Surprised…

Prof. Ofer Kenig presents examples of parliamentary democracies in which the Prime Minister is from a small party.


What’s Wrong with Israel’s Political System?

What’s Wrong with Israel’s Political System?

Four elections in two years failed to produce decisive results - what's wrong with Israel's political system and is there is any way out of its current political stalemate?

The Return of Direct Elections for Prime Minister?

The Return of Direct Elections for Prime Minister?

Prime Minister Netanyahu is promoting legislation that that will institute direct elections for prime minister. How would this proposal work? Will it resolve the political stalemate? Would the Supreme Court rule on its legality? IDI experts weigh in.


The Return to Balfour: Israel’s Supreme Court Strikes Down Coronavirus Regulations Curbing the Right to Protest

The Return to Balfour: Israel’s Supreme Court Strikes Down Coronavirus Regulations Curbing the Right to Protest

The latest judgement in a series of legal challenges to controversial measures adopted by the Israeli government in response to COVID, shows that the Supreme Court still plays an important role in checking government excess and reaffirming basic democratic and human rights values