Economic Reform Program

IDI's Economic Reform Program seeks to reform labor relations in Israel. The principal aim of the project is to address the worrying trend of dualization in Israel's labor market, which is exacerbating social tensions and driving up the cost of living. On the one hand, large segments in the Israeli workforce are working under temporary contracts that offer minimal job security, weak social protections and dwindling economic security. Entrenched segments of the workforce hold tenured positions, exhibit low productivity and abuse the tremendous political power at their disposal to prevent necessary reforms.

The goal of the program is to develop actionable policy proposals that will address this major economic and social challenge. In so doing, the program aspires to boost productivity in Israel's public sector, help lower the cost of living in Israel and strengthen public trust in government.

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    Gilad Be'ery


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    Prof. Yotam Margalit

    Senior Fellow

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    Professor Margalit headed a large, experimental cross-national study of the investment decisions of multinational firms, a project that he developed and carried out in collaboration with the World Bank and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

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    Gabriel Gordon


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    He holds a Master's degree in Economics and Environmental studies.

    His research focuses on demographics and trends within the Israeli labor force.



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    Yarden Kedar

    Researcher and Coordinator of the Future Labor Market Project

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    Yarden Kedar is a researcher at the Center for Governance and the Economy at the Israel Democracy Institute, and the coordinator of the Future Labor Market project. Has a bachelor's degree in PPE and a master's degree in Public Policy from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Yarden leads studies at the Institute concerning human capital, vocational training and skills in Israel, as well as the analysis of Israeli public policy in this field. In addition, he specializes in the field of employment of older workers, and also engages in topical analysis of the effects of current events (e.g. Covid and the recent war) on the labor market and the financial situation of the employed. Yarden is experienced in policy research, data analysis, and policy analysis. Past positions include serving as researcher and coordinator of the Economy and Society program at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.

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    Zak Hirsch


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    Zak researches intergenerational mobility, changes in workers' skills and tasks, and environmental employment policies.

    He graduated with a bachelor's degree in philosophy, economics, and political science from Tel Aviv University. He is currently a Master's student in economics in the joint .research track of the Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University

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    Roe Kenneth Portal


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    Roe came to the institute with experience in policy research, data analysis, and report writing in both the public and private sectors. He conducted research for the labor force on future employment trends, characteristics of special populations in the workforce, and remote work. He also dealt with improving data infrastructure for the avodata website. Additionally, as part of his work at the economic consulting firm ERCG, he was a consultant for the Ministry of Finance regarding natural gas royalties.

    At IDI, Roe is involved in research on unemployment, social mobility, and remote work. He is responsible for current economic analyses based on the center's needs. Roe graduated with honors from the PPE, combined program in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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    Nadav Porat Hirsh

    Research Assistant

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    Holds a joint degree in law and economics and Master's degree in economics at the Hebrew University.

    primary research interests encompass labor market dynamics, the cost of living, and the impact of climate-change on labor market.

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    Iddo Katoshevski

    Research Assistant

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    Research assistant at the Center for Governance and the Economy. Deals with environmental and climate economics. A second year MSc student in economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and holds a BSc in philosophy, economics and political science. Has occupational background in health economics and in research of Middle East economy. In addition, has experience in managing inter-sector forums, analyzing data and conducting economic studies.

A special analysis of the situation among evacuees from the north and south of Israel, based on an extensive survey conducted among a nationally representative sample of workers who were in employment immediately before the outbreak of the Iron Swords war.

This survey is the second in series taken since the outbreak of the Iron Swords War assessing the financial impact of the war on the Israeli workforce. 

Technological advancements, rapid globalization, and structural changes in the Israeli economy over the past few decades have led to significant shifts in the demand for workers and in the tasks required of them, as well as in the characteristics of their skills and qualifications. This study offers insights on these questions using a variety of data sources and by employing two distinct empirical approaches.

A survey of various demographic statistics on Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. Which neighborhoods are more densely populated? Which ones are aging and which have a large majority under the age of 20? 

Yohanan Plesner, president of IDI and head of the 2012 Plesner committee which sought to implement a model of "service for all," and Dr. Gilad Malach, head of the ultra-Orthodox program at IDI, share their analysis of the rapid increase in the number of yeshiva and kollel students over the past year. 

Study on the integration and mobility of individuals from disadvantaged economic backgrounds in the high-tech industry

The OECD recommends granting local authorities’ greater autonomy in setting local taxation. The program being pursued by the current government raises fears of central government taking control of the Arnona (municipal tax) Fund, as has happened in the past.

Over the past decade average real wage of Israeli workers increased by 25% - nevertheless their purchasing power is relatively lower than the OECD average

Former Governor of the Bank of Israel Prof. Karnit Flug, explains what lies behind the recent wave of the rise in prices; what is the main tool for dealing with inflation, and how this relates to wage agreements in the public-sector. She makes is clear that we are not back where we were in the 1980s, but, we must deal with the situation without delay.

Behind the record number of job openings, in an age of full employment and an economy with rapid growth, what steps can the government take to promote the inclusion of workers currently outside the job market and to help businesses?

Prof. Karnit Flug, Vice President of Research and William Davidson Senior Fellow for Economic Policy at the Israel Democracy Institute, as well as the former Governor of the Bank of Israel on Israel’s economy after two years of the global pandemic and political crisis in Israel in conversation with Talia Dekel from the Jerusalem Press Club.

A new study utilizes extensive data to offer a new understanding of the changes the labor market underwent during two years of Covid-19

New IDI survey finds that 250,000 Israelis, who are not working, and not receiving unemployment allowances, might soon be forced to rely on supplemental income support.




The "great resignation" that has swept the US and UK in recent months is one of the symbols of the recovery from the pandemic. Is this trend taking place in Israel too?

Addressing the shortage of hi-tech workers isn't enough. Israel must focus on vocational training & improving productivity in all industries to continue economic growth - economist Daphna Aviram Nitzan explains 

The survey indicates that economic inequality between the Arab and Jewish populations in Israel has increased as a result of the COVID-19 crisis

Insights from 2020 Israel Democracy Institute Surveys and from the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2020

Numbers working from home skyrocketed with the outbreak of the pandemic mainly among white-collar workers, workers with an academic degree, and high-salary workers

A special IDI survey on the economic impact of the COVID crisis finds that worker's financial liquidity has declined sharply with 31% of respondents reporting that they had no liquid funds to support themselves.

One of the very few pieces of good news resulting from the corona crisis is the increase in people working from home (WFH). Unfortunately, workers from lower socioeconomic groups are not benefiting from this change.

An IDI survey examines public opinion on Israelis preferred areas of study and participation when undergoing vocational training during the economic crisis resulting from the coronavirus.

A growing number of countries around the world have realized that vocational training and subsidies for the training period can increase the demand for workers. Israel's government should follow this lead, while at the same time accelerating the pace of development of infrastructure projects, to increase the demand for skilled workers.

The current crisis threatens the heart of the labor market with 400,000 workers between the ages of 35-54 designated as "temporarily absent from work" due to the coronavirus

Reducing the regulatory burden is a key objective for many government ministries -but how can this be achieved while maintaining honest and ethical behaviour

Reframing the eco-system to prepare for Israel’s job market of the future.

In an interview Prof. Yuval Feldman, discusses his new book "The Law of Good People" and sheds light on the connection between good people and corruption.

Behavioral ethics, a growing area within psychology and management literature, demonstrates that an individual’s unethical behavior is demonstrated through self-deception.

The number of vacation days in Israel is among the lowest in the world. Research by Prof. Yotam Margalit presents a new model which will ensure a minimum of 18 vacation days for each worker.


In recent years we have seen one Prime Minister, several ministers and numerous mayors charged and convicted on corruption. But most people enter politics for idealistic reasons and with good intentions. So what went wrong? 

Our Democracy Index shows that while Israel’s citizens love their country and are optimistic about its future, they feel a lack of confidence about their personal futures.

"In order to change this trend, we must increase the use of technological tools and behavioral economics."

For Israel's economy to grow, significant investment in building a strong and effective infrastructure for occupational training and reemployment is critical.