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Supreme Court Decision of Combatants for Peace v. Minister of Defense

Supreme Court Decision of Combatants for Peace v. Minister of Defense

A controversial decision delivered by the Supreme Court on May 2 could be an important test case for its ability to withstand political attacks, which call to curb the court’s authority and power

Why are the Ethiopian Israelis Angry?

Why are the Ethiopian Israelis Angry?

Only rarely can a protest totally uproot racism and discrimination, but a strong leadership can negotiate for change

Is Limiting the Gaza Fishing Zone Collective Punishment?

Is Limiting the Gaza Fishing Zone Collective Punishment?

Against the backdrop of the armed conflict between Israel and the Hamas - is limiting the space available for fishing near Gaza's shores collective punishment?

The Voice that Doesn’t Count 

The Voice that Doesn’t Count 

One of the main explanations for the dramatic decline in voter turnout in the Arab Israeli sector in the last elections (49%, versus 63% in the 2015 elections) is the sense that the voice of Israeli Arabs — is a voice that doesn’t count.

The Ethiopian Israeli Protests

The Ethiopian Israeli Protests

What is the media's responsibility in covering the protests of the Ethiopian community against and what are the problems in the coverage?

Most Israelis Don't Think Bahrain's Conference will Lead to Peace Deal
Israeli Voice Index

Most Israelis Don't Think Bahrain's Conference will Lead to Peace Deal

The June 2019 Israeli Voice Index, conducted by the Guttman Center at the Israel Democracy Institute, finds that the majority of the Israeli public does not think the process begun in Bahrain will lead to a peace agreement with the Palestinians, but Israelis do believe that steps towards economic peace can bring stability to the region.

The Absurdity of Campaign Financing in Israel

The Absurdity of Campaign Financing in Israel

Why should parties be allowed to use state funding for ongoing expenses to cover the debts accrued during political campaigns?

Give Credit to the Most Democratic Party in Israel

Give Credit to the Most Democratic Party in Israel

Long ridiculed, Labor is one of the few parties that meet stringent standards on campaign finance and transparency

Unity Coalition Governments: Explainer

Unity Coalition Governments: Explainer

A unity government (or “grand coalition”) is a special type of coalition with a particularly broad base, including all the major parties represented in the parliament and can have a range of ramifications on the political system. This explainer outlines how its works in Israel and around the world. 

Toward Tyranny of the Majority

Toward Tyranny of the Majority

Granting the government additional power, which will enable overriding Basic Laws in simple legislation must not be allowed, lest the defense of basic civil rights in Israel are compromised

Repealing Law to Dissolve the Knesset: Motivated by Personal Interests
Press Release

Repealing Law to Dissolve the Knesset: Motivated by Personal Interests

The proposal promotes personal and political interests, strikes a severe blow to the public’s trust in democracy and to elected officials’ obligation to act with integrity

Opinion: Repealing the Law to Dissolve the Knesset
Policy Statement

Opinion: Repealing the Law to Dissolve the Knesset

An opinion submitted today (June 26th) to MKs, the Attorney General, and the Knesset Legal Advisor on behalf of the Israel Democracy Institute, opposes the proposal to repeal the law to dissolve the Knesset and seeks to take the proposal off the agenda.

State of Emergency in Israel: Is It Really Necessary?

State of Emergency in Israel: Is It Really Necessary?

The Knesset once again renewed the declaration of a state of emergency. This practice has been around since the establishment of the State - is it still necessary?

The Mueller Report: What it Teaches Us

The Mueller Report: What it Teaches Us

Can the Mueller report shed light on the labyrinth of cyber connections, which are at the basis of the suspected criminal activity? Probably not.

How Could the Rerun Elections have been Avoided?

How Could the Rerun Elections have been Avoided?

The rerun elections expose a weakness in our system of government and highlight the need to modify the current system for forming a government

The Ball is in the Hands of the Next Government: Climate Change

The Ball is in the Hands of the Next Government: Climate Change

How do we divert Israel from a path leading towards a polluted, crowded, and expensive country to one that will take us to a low-pollution, competitive, and thriving economy? Project Israel 2050 is a one-of-a-kind cooperative venture led by the Israel Democracy Institute and the Environmental Protection Ministry, in collaboration with the OECD, the ministries of Energy, Transportation, and the Economy, and the Planning Administration. Here is a glimpse of the possible environmental scenarios for the foreseeable future and how they can be best dealt with.

For These Do-Over Elections, We are all Smarter

For These Do-Over Elections, We are all Smarter

Another Election? It Has its Pluses for the Public and for Democracy. Voters got to see how parties behaved after elections, and parties now know the real risk of a hardline negotiation stance.

A Test of Reasonableness

A Test of Reasonableness

The bizarre constitutional situation in which we now find ourselves raises a great many legal questions, not all of which have simple answers. Does the law allow the prime minister to fire all the government’s ministers? Can he serve as “the government” by himself?

How to End Israel’s Political Impasse

How to End Israel’s Political Impasse

Benjamin Netanyahu couldn’t form a government, because the electoral system is dysfunctional. The country needs to enact two simple reforms, or it will face perpetual stalemate.

Another Chance for the Joint List

Another Chance for the Joint List

Will Arab politicians take advantage of the second chance that the new elections have presented? Runing in a Joint List and reaching out to their younger voters - 60% of which didn't vote in the last election, would be the right place to start.

DNA Tests for Jewishness

DNA Tests for Jewishness

In today’s world of big data, it is easy to imagine what the impact would be of a single database containing information about their Jewishness—of Israelis and Jews around the world.

The Next Destination of Young Ultra-Orthodox Couples

The Next Destination of Young Ultra-Orthodox Couples

How do young ultra-Orthodox couples cope with the housing crisis? The most recent figures on home-buying point to a change of the trend in the ultra-Orthodox internal migration. This change poses a challenge, but also an opportunity. How should the state respond?

Research Reel

The Ultra-Orthodox Housing Crisis

Israel’s housing crisis is affecting the ultra-Orthodox community as well. Housing costs in these communities are skyrocketing and young families are moving to the country’s periphery. What kind of apartments are they buying? What does their financing look like? 

Conversion: Joining a Religion or Joining a Nation?

Conversion: Joining a Religion or Joining a Nation?

The rigid halakhic position might make conversion irrelevant as the integration of “non-Jewish Jews” into Israeli society will soon legitimize the sociological path to becoming a Jew, outside the bounds of religion, and make conversion superfluous.

How Jewish Israelis Feel Towards Non-Jews and the Current Conversion Process – Shavuot Survey
Israeli Voice Index

How Jewish Israelis Feel Towards Non-Jews and the Current Conversion Process – Shavuot Survey

Conversion is a central theme of the upcoming holiday of Shavuot when the biblical story of Ruth the Moabite – widely considered the first convert to Judaism – is traditionally read. In the spirit of the holiday, we decided to examine what types of relationships Jewish Israelis are ready to have with non-Jews. We also looked into what Jewish Israeli think about the topic of conversions in general and the conversion process in Israel in particular.

Study Reveals: Proportionality in War Still a Riddle

Study Reveals: Proportionality in War Still a Riddle

Israeli military officers are less tolerant of higher civilian casualties than their American counterparts.

Human Rights in an Age of Populism

Human Rights in an Age of Populism

The story of liberal democracies in the late 20th and early 21st centuries has been, to a large extent, the story of protecting personal liberties by independent democratic institutions.

Is Israel's Democracy in Crisis?

Is Israel's Democracy in Crisis?

IDI’s President Yohanan Plesner and Canadian jurist Irwin Cotler on the challenges facing Israeli democracy in the months ahead.

Solidifying the Israel-Diaspora Relationship

Solidifying the Israel-Diaspora Relationship

Is it conceivable, for example, that a legislative body would enact a tax that would never apply, to its own members?

Adapting to the Future Job Market

Adapting to the Future Job Market

Reframing the eco-system to prepare for Israel’s job market of the future.