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Of Whales and Members of Knesset

Of Whales and Members of Knesset

The real reason behind Israel's elections: The Knesset dispersed itself because one man, the prime minister, finds himself in a situation in which his fate depends on the courts.

Amendments to the Party Financing Law: A Classic Conflict of Interest

Amendments to the Party Financing Law: A Classic Conflict of Interest

In a classic conflict of interests, the parties dip into the public coffers before every election, flouting any semblance of fiscal responsibility

How Often are Elections Held?

How Often are Elections Held?

How often does Israel hold elections? On average every 2.3 years!


Israel is Heading for 4th Elections - Briefing

After the failure of a last minute initiative to postpone the budget deadline, the Knesset automatically dispersed sending Israel to a fourth election in two years. Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, held a briefing to discuss the upcoming campaign.

Governance in a Crisis

Governance in a Crisis

The coronavirus pandemic can serve as a window of opportunity. In their new book Prof. Nissim Cohen and Ron Tzur present decision-makers a roadmap for how to better deal with crisis in Israel.

Bolstering the Health System's Capacity to Manage Crisis Situations
Press Release

Bolstering the Health System's Capacity to Manage Crisis Situations

As part of the IDI Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society, a session was held on December 16, 2020 with the participation of Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, Director General of the Ministry of Health Prof. Chezy Levy, and a number of experts in the field of health who are responsible for preparing the health system for emergencies and crises.

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2020 Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy & Society – Recap of Day 3

The 2020 Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society concluded today following special addresses from the Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz and Chair of the Opposition MK Yair Lapid as well as discussions and deliberations with Minister of Health Yuli Edelstein, senior WHO and local health officials and mayors from throughout Israel.


Local Government vs. Central Government
Press Release

Local Government vs. Central Government

Dr. Aliza Block, mayor of Bet Shemesh:"The idea that a senior official sits in Jerusalem and knows how to decide for me which streets or stations to close is fundamentally wrong."

Elections Should be Avoided
Press Release

Elections Should be Avoided

Defense Minister Benny Gantz: "Elections should be avoided, there should be a budget and a functioning government; I have no intention of replacing Avi Nissenkorn – he is doing a good job and we are committed to preserving democracy and judicial institutions."

Covid-19 Vaccines – How to Encourage Public Cooperation: Explainer

Covid-19 Vaccines – How to Encourage Public Cooperation: Explainer

With the vaccines for Covid-19 soon to be made available and in light of the high rates of Israelis who do not want to be the first to get the vaccine - IDI expert Prof. Yuval Feldman explains how to encourage public cooperations in getting COVID-19 vaccines.

The Israeli Workforce: From Crisis to Opportunity
Press Release

The Israeli Workforce: From Crisis to Opportunity

The labor market panel at the Israel Democracy Institute’s Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economics and Society dealt with the challenges and opportunities of the employment market in the post-Covid era.

The Education System: From Crisis to Opportunity
Press Release

The Education System: From Crisis to Opportunity

As part of the Israel Democracy Institute’s Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society, a panel took place with the participation of Minister of Education Yoav Galant and a number of education experts, focusing on preparing the education system for the post-COVID reality. Eli Hurvitz, executive director of the Trump Foundation, served as chair of the panel.


2020 Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy & Society – Recap of Day 2

The second day of the 2020 Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society concluded following discussions and deliberations with IDI experts, leading academics, key regulators and senior officials from the public and private sectors.


Reimagining Education

Reimagining Education

COVID-19 is an opportunity to rethink education - and the success of a handful of teachers and students during the pandemic points the way forward to schooling that aligns with tomorrow's needs

From Recession to Growth: Macroeconomic Policy
Press Release

From Recession to Growth: Macroeconomic Policy

The Israel Democracy Institute’s Eli Hurvitz's Conference on Economics and Society opened today with a session titled "From Recession to Growth: Macroeconomic Policy" focusing on ways to accelerate Post-COVID economic growth in Israel.

D-Gs in Conversation: A Government Vision for Israel 2050
Press Release

D-Gs in Conversation: A Government Vision for Israel 2050

For the past two years, the Israel Democracy Institute, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, and the OECD, has been leading a multi-sectoral and cross-ministerial process.

From the Corona Crisis to the Climate Crisis
Press Release

From the Corona Crisis to the Climate Crisis

Chen Lichtenstein, Chief Financial Officer, Syngenta Ventures: “Tthe challenges and complications a small country like Israel faces, is a drop in the ocean by comparison. Israel should be able to easily make decisions of the same explicit impact – the word zero is critical.”

Regulators in Conversation: Financial Risk and Climate Change
Press Release

Regulators in Conversation: Financial Risk and Climate Change

"If you look at the S & P, close to 86% of companies today report on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compared to a decade ago" said Anat Levin, CEO, BlackRock Israel, on the topic of how the global financial market adapts itself to ESG

From Global to Local: The Impact of the Global Crisis on Israel
Press Release

From Global to Local: The Impact of the Global Crisis on Israel

As part of the Israel Democracy Institute’s Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society, a panel was held (Dec. 14th) on the implications of the global crisis on Israel, including the labor market and the question of the budget, US–Europe–Israel relations in the Biden era, changes in times of crisis and routine, and preparedness for future challenges.


2020 Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy & Society – Recap of Day 1

2020 Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy & Society – Recap of Day 1

The first day of the 2020 Eli Hurvitz Conference on Economy and Society included discussions and deliberations with the Finance Minister Israel Katz, Prof. Amir Yaron the Governor of the Bank of Israel, Prof. Avi Simhon, the Chair of the National Economic Council, and senior private sector leaders from Israel and abroad. 

How Willing are Israelis to Reduce Carbon Emissions? Survey
Press Release

How Willing are Israelis to Reduce Carbon Emissions? Survey

A new survey conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) examined Israeli's attitudes toward climate change and the possible steps to stem the tide.

Incentivizing Compliance is a Great Approach but Must be used with Care

Incentivizing Compliance is a Great Approach but Must be used with Care

Incentivizing compliance could have a negative impact on those who view being tested for the coronavirus as an act of civic responsibility

Two Knesset Bills Based on IDI Proposals Pass Preliminary Votes
Press Release

Two Knesset Bills Based on IDI Proposals Pass Preliminary Votes

Two bills based on the IDI research and policy proposals passed preliminary votes in the Knesset. The first anchors the right to equality in Israeli law and the second is a bill regulating digital election campaigns.

In God They Trust

In God They Trust

Dr. Gilad Malach, Director of the Ultra-Orthodox in Israel Program at the Israel Democracy Institute, discusses how the COVID pandemic has affected the internal dynamics of Israel's Haredi communities, their relationship with their political leadership and with government as a whole.


Leaders' Credibility Low
Israeli Voice Index

Leaders' Credibility Low

Our monthly Index found that both Prime Minister Netanyahu and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz have low or very low credibility among Israelis. 

Israel’s Nation-state Law Isn’t ‘Declarative,’ It Does Real Damage

Israel’s Nation-state Law Isn’t ‘Declarative,’ It Does Real Damage

"Legislative declarations do not remain purely "declarative". They have consequences." Dr. Amir Fuchs explains.

Is Israel Headed to 4th Elections? Briefing

Is Israel Headed to 4th Elections? Briefing

Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute on today’s preliminary vote to disperse the Knesset: "Today's vote served as the opening shot in the 'blame game' with both Gantz and Netanyahu seeking to frame the other side as dragging the country towards a fourth elections as COVID numbers begin to rise again."

Haredim Trust Rabbis More Than the Health Ministry on COVID-19
Special Survey

Haredim Trust Rabbis More Than the Health Ministry on COVID-19

62% of Haredim have very little or no confidence in Prime Minister Netanyahu's Handling of COVID-19; 60% think decision makers are guided mostly or only by political concerns

National Security and Democracy Day 2
Press Release

National Security and Democracy Day 2

The second day of the Israel Democracy Institute's Center for National Security and Democracy annual conference, held in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Israel office), concluded today (Wednesday). The online conference focused on public trust in the IDF, the militarization of a civilian crisis, the IDF model of service and gender equality in the military.