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Dear American Jewish Boys: Please Find Another Outlet for your Oedipal Rage. Signed, Israeli Jews

Dear American Jewish Boys: Please Find Another Outlet for your Oedipal Rage. Signed, Israeli Jews

Dr. Shany Mor pens an open letter in The Forward in response to actor Seth Rogen's comments on the Israel

Government's Coronavirus Law is Impractical and Undemocratic

Government's Coronavirus Law is Impractical and Undemocratic

Legislation giving ministers total authority over decision-making sets dangerous precedent for Israeli democracy and chaotic decision making will surely diminish the already-dwindling public trust in both government and future emergency regulations

How COVID-19 Changed Fatherhood

How COVID-19 Changed Fatherhood

A survey by the Israel Democracy Institute found during the lockdown less than 20% of working men continued working as usual in the workplace. What does this mean for the future of work-life balance among Israeli couples?

Two Identity Cards

Two Identity Cards

The government must be attuned to the will of the overwhelming majority of the people and amend the Nation State Law by adding the obligation to act in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence

The Jewish World and the Coronavirus Crisis

The Jewish World and the Coronavirus Crisis

Jewish communities around the world have been hard-hit by the coronavirus and are still struggling to deal with its implications. In an in-depth study, Dr. Shuki Friedman and Gabriel Abensour analyze how the pandemic has created challenges for halakha (Jewish law) and upended communal life and what these communities should be preparing for when this crisis finally subsides.

Is Israel's Social Protest Movement About to Emerge?

Is Israel's Social Protest Movement About to Emerge?

As trust in the country's leadership erodes, the economy suffers, and the coronavirus surges, Israel is ripe to revolt, but probably won't

Israel in Times of Corona
Israeli Voice Index

Israel in Times of Corona

A special survey, the tenth in this series, by the Guttman Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research at the Israel Democracy Institute examined public opinion about government policies relating to the coronavirus outbreak and the economic fallout from the pandemic.

The State of Tel Aviv is Founded

The State of Tel Aviv is Founded

Tel Aviv wants to set its own policies, regardless of what the rest of the nation desires. It will go it alone, but will still take funds from the national government.

No More Shame - No More Responsibility

No More Shame - No More Responsibility

Now more than ever Israel needs a leader who will bolster its inner strength - is the leadership up to the task? 

Big Brother is Always Watching-Pandemic Surveillance Makes it Scarier

Big Brother is Always Watching-Pandemic Surveillance Makes it Scarier

IDI's Dr. Tehilla Shwartz speaks with Amanda Borschel-Dan on a Times of Israel podcast about the resurgence of COVID-19 cases and how Israel's government is tracking them.

Israelis Uncertain Regarding Sovereignty in the West Bank
Israeli Voice Index

Israelis Uncertain Regarding Sovereignty in the West Bank

The Israeli Voice Index for June 2020 found that Israeli public opinion is divided over the question of whether the government should apply sovereignty in the West Bank and, if it goes forward, what such a plan should look like

Government Unable to Manage Corona Crisis
Press Release

Government Unable to Manage Corona Crisis

"This fast-tracked legislation, that is intended to allow the cabinet to put further restrictions in place without approval from Knesset committees, is yet another example of chaos and an inability of the government to manage the coronavirus crisis."

Annexation and the Violation of Human Rights

Annexation and the Violation of Human Rights

What are the possible human rights implications of annexing parts of the West Bank? In these experts from a more detailed analysis in Hebrew, IDI  detail the rights that might be violated if the plan moves forward.

Applying Sovereignty - It's Complicated
Press Release

Applying Sovereignty - It's Complicated

Israelis Uncertain Regarding Sovereignty in the West Bank – Most Think Unlikely to be Implemented in the Next Year | As COVID-19 Numbers Rise – 60% of Israelis Fear Their Economic Future

Israel Reauthorizes Shin Bet’s Coronavirus Location Tracking

Israel Reauthorizes Shin Bet’s Coronavirus Location Tracking

In its attempts to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, Israel has employed a measure that has not been used by any other democratic country. Since mid-March, the Israeli government has sought the assistance of the General Security Service (also known as the Israeli Security Agency, the ISA, the Shabak or Shin Bet) in conducting epidemiological investigations by providing the Ministry of Health with the routes of coronavirus carriers and lists of individuals with whom they have been in close contact. The ISA queries its communication metadata database to identify the route of confirmed carriers and the individuals with whom they have been in close contact.

Ireland Finally Has a Government!

Ireland Finally Has a Government!

A tale of two unity governments: The coalition agreement that formed Israel's unity government is all about forcing the parties to live up to the deal. Ireland's is all about policy.

Another Unnecessary War of the Jews

Another Unnecessary War of the Jews

Reinforcing the Rabbinate's monopoly on conversion to Judaism places unnecessary roadblocks before those who want to join the Jewish people and deepens the rift with the Diaspora


Heading Towards Annexation? IDI's Experts Hold Online Briefing for International Diplomats

IDI President Yohanan Plesner and VP of Research Prof. Yuval Shany held an online briefing for the diplomatic community in Israel focusing on potential plans by the government to apply sovereignty in parts of the West Bank.

Imagining the Future of Democracy Conference
Press Release

Imagining the Future of Democracy Conference

IDI and the Hebrew University held a conference on the ‘Future of Democracy’ in memory of Prof. Yaron Ezrahi featuring former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Pulitzer Prize columnist Thomas Friedman

Unreliable Protection: An Experimental Study of Experts’ In Bello Proportionality Decisions

Unreliable Protection: An Experimental Study of Experts’ In Bello Proportionality Decisions

Journal: European Journal of International Law (Forthcoming, 2020)

IDI's Experts Hold Online Briefing Ahead of Annexation

IDI's Experts Hold Online Briefing Ahead of Annexation

IDI experts held today an online briefing focusing on potential plans by Israel's government to apply sovereignty in areas of the West Bank as part of the U.S’ ‘Deal of the Century’

Working from Home: Pre-and Post-Coronavirus

Working from Home: Pre-and Post-Coronavirus

The coronavirus has made working from home much more prevalent, and has many advantages, including improving efficiency and providing workers with more flexibility. But how do we ensure that it does not increase wage disparities and provide even more advantages to those who are already the higher earners? IDI experts weigh in with recommendations to ensure that all sides benefit

The Crisis Has Hit at the Core of the Labor Market

The Crisis Has Hit at the Core of the Labor Market

The current crisis threatens the heart of the labor market with 400,000 workers between the ages of 35-54 designated as "temporarily absent from work" due to the coronavirus

ISA Surveillance Provides a False Sense of Security
Press Release

ISA Surveillance Provides a False Sense of Security

Following the Cabinet's decision to introduce the ISA Surveillance Law to the Knesset, Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, says that "use of ISA surveillance provides a false sense of security."

All You Need to Know about the Application of Sovereignty

All You Need to Know about the Application of Sovereignty

A key component of US President Trump's 'Peace to Prosperity' plan is the clause allowing Israel to annex parts of the West Bank. What do Israelis and Palestinians say about this plan and what would it look like on the ground? Prof. Amichai Cohen has all the answers in this explainer

ISA Tracking Should Not Be Resumed
Press Release

ISA Tracking Should Not Be Resumed

Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler on the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee debate on contact tracing: "Permission to reintroduce the ISA's tracking program should not be granted."

How Many Laws Were Struck Down by the Supreme Court in Israel?

How Many Laws Were Struck Down by the Supreme Court in Israel?

With calls to enact an 'override clause' to push back against judicial review back in the news, Dr. Amir Fuchs analyzed the twenty laws the Court has overturned since Israel's establishment

Turning Back the Clock on Religious Services

Turning Back the Clock on Religious Services

The Israeli religious courts are being handed back to the ultra-Orthodox parties - will they adhere to professional standards?

Proposed Conversion Law: A Recipe for Disaster
Press Release

Proposed Conversion Law: A Recipe for Disaster

The attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court's ruling and strengthen the Rabbinate's monopoly and endanger the fragile balance in place today