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National Security and Democracy Conference Day 1
Press Release

National Security and Democracy Conference Day 1

IDI's annual conference on National Security and Democracy, held in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Israel office), convened top officers and academic experts to discuss the changing relations between the IDF and Israeli society and draw lessons for the future from the military’s unprecedented involvement in the civilian COVID-19 crisis.

From Top Down to Bottom Up
Press Release

From Top Down to Bottom Up

Israel Democracy Institute Experts to the Chair of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee: “The only way to return to normal routine is through regulation and by encouraging the use of locally-developed apps in malls, workplaces and in educational institutions"

The Haredi Fears Behind the Opening of Yeshviot Amid COVID-19

The Haredi Fears Behind the Opening of Yeshviot Amid COVID-19

For many, the spiritual and educational dangers inherent in leaving large numbers of young people with no binding religious framework outweigh the health risks in keeping these institutions open



Large Majority Think IDF Should Manage Coronavirus Crisis 
Special Survey

Large Majority Think IDF Should Manage Coronavirus Crisis 

A special survey reveals that the public perceives the IDF as a skilled army and is prepared to face major military threats

 Israelis Wary about Partaking in First Round of Vaccinations
Special Survey

Israelis Wary about Partaking in First Round of Vaccinations

This survey is the fourteenth in a special series examines the public attitudes towards government policies relating to the coronavirus outbreak and to the economic fallout from the pandemic

Transitions Between Religious Groups among Israeli Jews: Abstract 

Transitions Between Religious Groups among Israeli Jews: Abstract 

This study provides first-ever reliable estimate of the rate and scope of transitions into and out of the ultra-Orthodox community; an analysis made possible thanks to innovative methodology and a rich dataset. 


70% of Jewish Israelis: A Second Trump  is Preferable for Israel’s Interests
Israeli Voice Index

70% of Jewish Israelis: A Second Trump is Preferable for Israel’s Interests

When it comes to the their country's interests, Israelis increasingly think that Donald Trump is the preferable US presidential candidate.

Yitzhak’s Blood Cries Out to us from the Ground

Yitzhak’s Blood Cries Out to us from the Ground

Although 25 years have passed since that terrible night - the mourning for a murdered prime minister, assassinated out of political and religious motives, must never fade away and must never be forgotten

Reimagining Democracy Highlights
Press Release

Reimagining Democracy Highlights

The Israel Democracy Institute held the first day of the inaugural "Reimagining Democracy" conference - in commemoration of the late Prof. Yaron Ezrahi. The sessions focused on the future of the relationship between the branches of government and the increasing tension between them.

Ultra-Orthodox Non-Compliance Rests on Fear

Ultra-Orthodox Non-Compliance Rests on Fear

In the second wave of the pandemic it seems that many ultra-Orthodox rabbis are assigning higher priority to 'customer retention' than to the clear halakhic imperative to preserve health and life

An Organized Civil Disobedience Campaign

An Organized Civil Disobedience Campaign

Rabbi Kanievsky’s decision to disregard the law and open ultra-Orthodox schools is the first time in Israeli history that we are seeing something that approaches a call for mass civil disobedience orchestrated by a key public figure.

Majority Think 2nd Lockdown was Politically Motivated
Special Survey

Majority Think 2nd Lockdown was Politically Motivated

55 percent of Israelis believe that the second lockdown was solely or mainly politically motivated; The majority of the public continues to express confidence in Prof. Gamzu; Continued increase in public concern about the economy

 Haredim and Coronavirus: Policy Recommendations for Exit from Second Lockdown

Haredim and Coronavirus: Policy Recommendations for Exit from Second Lockdown

IDI experts present analysis of recent behavior of the ultra-Orthodox sector and present recommendations for an exit strategy from the lockdown, to be applied in the coming weeks and months.

The Dissonance of Israel’s “Hardalim”

The Dissonance of Israel’s “Hardalim”

How does Israel’s national-ultra-Orthodox population (“Hardalim”) combine ideals of the "new Jew" with their ultra-Orthodox religious world view?

Zionism and Democracy Conference: Day 2
Press Release

Zionism and Democracy Conference: Day 2

“Polarity in Israeli society has never been worse” says Chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu Party, MK Avigdor Liberman at two-day conference on the relationship between Zionism and Democracy commemorating 25 Years after the assassination of PM Yitzhak Rabin


25 Years After the Assassination of PM Yitzhak Rabin - Survey on Incitement
Special Survey

25 Years After the Assassination of PM Yitzhak Rabin - Survey on Incitement

Special IDI survey finds that 45% of Israelis believe another assassination is possible; large majorities of leftwing voters, ultra-Orthodox and Arab Israelis see themselves as targets of incitement and 69% of the ultra-Orthodox believe that democracy is an essential component of Zionism

The Ultra-Orthodox and the Corona Crisis: Briefing

The Ultra-Orthodox and the Corona Crisis: Briefing

IDI experts analyze recent behavior of the ultra-Orthodox sector and present recommendations for a staggered exit strategy from the lockdown.

Zionism and Democracy Conference: Day 1
Press Release

Zionism and Democracy Conference: Day 1

Twenty-five years after the assassination of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the Israel Democracy Institute, together with the Department of Zionist Enterprises in the World Zionist Organization, hosted a special conference focused on the unique relationship between Zionism and democracy in Israel and how the country is coping with threats to the values articulated in Declaration of Independence. 



Arab Students at Higher Risk - Survey
Press Release

Arab Students at Higher Risk - Survey

Upon the opening of the new academic year a special national survey conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute and the Aharon Institute for Economic Policy found 22% of Arab students are considering quitting or taking a break from their studies, compared to 10% of Jewish students.

Restrictions on Demonstrations: An International Comparison

Restrictions on Demonstrations: An International Comparison

As democracies struggle with the balance between health restrictions and freedom of assembly, Israel has limited protests to a one kilometer radius from their homes during the country's lockdown. How does this compare to other democracies?

What Do You Do When there’s a Hole in the Boat?

What Do You Do When there’s a Hole in the Boat?

The handwriting was on the wall. Since the founding of the State, rabbis have served as middlemen between the government and the ultra-Orthodox. We must acknowledge that this approach has failed miserably.

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Don’t Let the IDF Sink into the Coronavirus Quicksand

The decision to call in the IDF is dealing a double blow to the country - it is both ineffective and is damaging the public’s trust in the IDF

At the Crossroads: The Ultra-Orthodox Community and Israeli Society

At the Crossroads: The Ultra-Orthodox Community and Israeli Society

The coronavirus crisis proves once again that the lives of all Israelis are intertwined with those of the ultra-Orthodox and the country cannot be sustained with an autonomy living behind closed walls. Without shared responsibility for public health - 'normal life' will not be possible the post-COVID-19 era

Violence against Protestors is the Result of a Deliberate Plan to Undermine the Police

Violence against Protestors is the Result of a Deliberate Plan to Undermine the Police

Instead of waging war on protesters, the government should be battling the virus.

Protests vs. Prayers vs. Weddings

Protests vs. Prayers vs. Weddings

As the contentious debates about protests and prayers continues in Israel, we must recognize that there is no room for imposing unjustified restrictions on the basic rights of one group of citizens, simply because this will make it easier to impose justified restrictions on the basic rights of another

The Complex Dissonance of Israel’s Hardalim

The Complex Dissonance of Israel’s Hardalim

Israeli secularism has largely abandoned the ideal of the “new Jew” in recent decades, but religious Zionism has remained fervently loyal to it

Legislation to Curb Protests is Unnecessary
Press Release

Legislation to Curb Protests is Unnecessary

IDI Leadership on Law Limiting Protests: "A Violation of the Most Basic Tenets of Democracy"

From Politics to a Holy War

From Politics to a Holy War

Political positions, ideologies and worldviews, support for the Prime Minister or opposition to him—have been transformed into religious beliefs - a dangerous development for the future of Israeli society

Most Israelis Support Suspending Demonstrations as Part of Lockdown
Special Survey

Most Israelis Support Suspending Demonstrations as Part of Lockdown

While a third of the Israeli public supports the current restrictions imposed by the government and an additional 29% support putting additional measures into effect, trust in the Prime Minister's handling of the crisis has fallen to a new low. Most Israelis also believe that mass demonstrations should be banned during the lockdown.

Only 27% of Israelis Trust PM Netanyahu to Lead Effort Against COVID-19
Press Release

Only 27% of Israelis Trust PM Netanyahu to Lead Effort Against COVID-19

New IDI survey: Only 27% trust PM Netanyahu to lead efforts against COVID-19. 32% support current government restrictions & 29% supporting additional measures. 61% of Jewish Israelis don't plan on attending any Yom Kippur services.