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Cries of Protest vs. Cries of Prayer

Cries of Protest vs. Cries of Prayer

Protest is essential during lockdown. So is prayer. Even if freedom of expression is constitutionally ranked above communal prayer, tipping the scales between them undermines public confidence.

Peter Beinart’s Grotesque Utopia

Peter Beinart’s Grotesque Utopia

The false prophecy of “equality” and “one state” amounts to little more than taking the name of Yavneh in vain

"A Society without Culture is a Needy Society"
Press Release

"A Society without Culture is a Needy Society"

At a session of a conference on "Policy or Culture?” held by IDI and the Sapir Academic College, Minister Chili Tropper spoke of the need for culture to fortify society and not fall victim to divisive discourse

Peace Deals

Peace Deals

Bahrain and United Arab Emirates peace deals show Washington’s Arab-Israel ‘experts’ got it all wrong again

Appointments Now!

Appointments Now!

Senior governmental positions remain unfilled as political bickering has delayed appointments. Israeli law lays out a clear process for how such appointments must be made and the government should do so without further delay.

Israeli Tribalism Will Be the Death of Us

Israeli Tribalism Will Be the Death of Us

As Israel has grappled with the resurgence of COVID-19, tribalism has become more fierce as the country shifted from a state with a deep-seated sense of solidarity to a society in which the interests of one’s own sector comes first.


Shana Tova from IDI!

This past year has been has been like no other in our history and the months ahead will be every bit as challenging. Nevertheless, we at IDI are confident in the future of Israel as we wish our friends around the world a safe, healthy and sweet new year.

Haredim - High Level of Distrust of Government Policies
Press Release

Haredim - High Level of Distrust of Government Policies

Dr. Gilad Malach, Director of IDI's Ultra-Orthodox in Israel program on MK Ya'acov Litzman's resignation from the Cabinet: "Indicative of a very strong sentiment among the ultra-Orthodox community where there is currently a high level of distrust of government policies." 

Israelis Pessimistic on the Country's Outlook but Hopeful on Peace with UAE
Israeli Voice Index

Israelis Pessimistic on the Country's Outlook but Hopeful on Peace with UAE

With the Jewish New Year approaching, Israelis are pessimistic on the country's outlook but hopeful on peace with UAE; 41% of Israelis think the upcoming year will be worse than the last; 68% of Israelis think that Israel will be heading to elections when the budget compromise between Likud and Blue and White expires in December.

On Democracy and the War against the High Court 

On Democracy and the War against the High Court 

Elections are an attempt, not always successful, to translate the voters’ wishes into a well-functioning and representative government - however no democracy anywhere in the world makes do with elections to a single institution as the only means for implementing democracy

The Israeli Voice Index – August 2020
Press Release

The Israeli Voice Index – August 2020

As Israelis approach the Jewish new year, they are skeptical about the country's collective mood but personally optimistic about the future. The Israeli public is also pleased about the expected treaty with the UAE and skeptical about the longevity of the government.

Working from Home: A Survey of Patterns and Attitudes

Working from Home: A Survey of Patterns and Attitudes

One of the very few pieces of good news resulting from the corona crisis is the increase in people working from home (WFH). Unfortunately, workers from lower socioeconomic groups are not benefiting from this change.

Haredim Lose Faith in their Political Parties
Press Release

Haredim Lose Faith in their Political Parties

Ultra-Orthodox communities have been very critical of their political leaders for not advocating vigorously enough on their behalf at the beginning of the COVID crisis. Now, the ultra-Orthodox parties are at the forefront of the contentious demand to permit mass travel to Uman.

Meridor's Resignation Raises Serious Concerns
Press Release

Meridor's Resignation Raises Serious Concerns

“Meridor's resignation raises serious concerns that management of the worst economic crisis Israel has encountered in recent decades is characterized by a lack of systematic policies or priorities" 

Don't Cross the Red Line

Don't Cross the Red Line

Israel's system for appointing top law enforcement officials must not be changed 

Corona Survey #11
Israeli Voice Index

Corona Survey #11

IDI's latest coronavirus survey found 45% of Israelis pessimistic about the country's ability to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. The survey also found that if opened, 74% of Israelis plan on sending their children to school

Public Attitudes Toward Vocational Training During COVID-19

Public Attitudes Toward Vocational Training During COVID-19

An IDI survey examines public opinion on Israelis preferred areas of study and participation when undergoing vocational training during the economic crisis resulting from the coronavirus.

Gavison’s Last Will and Testament

Gavison’s Last Will and Testament

“We must find ways to live together, not necessarily to decide in favor of one or another direction.” Prof. Ruth Gavison

Netanyahu Just Made his Greatest Contribution to a Jewish and Democratic Israel

Netanyahu Just Made his Greatest Contribution to a Jewish and Democratic Israel

Even if the agreement with the UAE leads nowhere, the taboos that have been broken will be difficult to reconstruct.

Disbanding the Knesset for Lack of an Approved Budget Makes No Sense

Disbanding the Knesset for Lack of an Approved Budget Makes No Sense

This law, unique to Israel, was meant as an incentive to avoid budgetary deadlock. Today, it sows instability.

Wanted: A Full-Time Police Commissioner 

Wanted: A Full-Time Police Commissioner 

As the police are increasingly drawn into a conflict between protecting the right to protest and attempts to politicize their work, it is clear that appointment of a full-time commissioner is long overdue

Only 25% of Israelis Approve of Netanyahu's Handling of the Corona Crisis
Israeli Voice Index

Only 25% of Israelis Approve of Netanyahu's Handling of the Corona Crisis

The Israeli Voice Index for July 2020 found that 58% of Israelis identify with the protests against the government’s economic policies while 45% identify with the elements focused on personal opposition to Prime Minister Netanyahu

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Stop Calling Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitic. It’s Morally Repugnant in its Own Way

"In its obsession with Israel, anti-Zionism is a pathological worldview; even absent the obvious anti-Semitic motifs, it’s hard to see how contemporary anti-Zionism can claim the mantel of a progressive ideology"

On Induction Cookers, Non-Jews and God

On Induction Cookers, Non-Jews and God

The Kashrut market in Israel is still very much a monopoly market driven and all of Israelis are paying the price

Digital Contact Tracing and the Coronavirus: Israeli and Comparative Perspectives

Digital Contact Tracing and the Coronavirus: Israeli and Comparative Perspectives

IDI experts' report on digital contact tracing highlights its importance as a helpful tool in addition to human epidemiological investigations

Climate Crisis and Corona Virus Special Survey

Climate Crisis and Corona Virus Special Survey

Do Israelis want their government to improve the economy's readiness for the climate crisis? IDI's special survey on public attitudes to the climate crisis says that an overwhelming majority (89%) says "yes."

Tisha Be'av: A Social Tragedy From Then to Now

Tisha Be'av: A Social Tragedy From Then to Now

Every generation has its own barns, whose stock is the source of its national resilience. We have a supreme obligation to protect them against those who would set them afire to promote their ideology

The New Housing Plan: A Grand Plan with Fine Print

The New Housing Plan: A Grand Plan with Fine Print

Subsidizing cheap old apartments in poor towns won't solve the housing shortage for the ultra-Orthodox, but it will destroy those towns' social fabric

How to Generate Demand for Workers

How to Generate Demand for Workers

A growing number of countries around the world have realized that vocational training and subsidies for the training period can increase the demand for workers. Israel's government should follow this lead, while at the same time accelerating the pace of development of infrastructure projects, to increase the demand for skilled workers.

Two Cities Two Protests

Two Cities Two Protests

The Jerusalem's police force's aggressive stance, with its water cannons at the ready, play a key role in amplifying public awareness of the recent protests in the capital.