investigative committees

Publications Regarding investigative committees


Israeli Voice Index

Israelis Split on Motivations for Holding the Philadelphi Corridor

Israelis are divided on the question of the main reasons for Netanyahu's demand that Israel continues to control the Philadelphi Corridor. While over half of the Jewish respondents (58.5%) think this decision is based on military and strategic considerations, 66.5% of Arab-Israeli respondents thing it is due to political reasons. 

Special Survey

The Majority of the Israeli Public Supports Establishing a State Commission of Inquiry into the Events of October 7

A special survey conducted in July 2024 evaluated public opinion on the need to establish a commission of inquiry into the tragic events of October 7th, 2024.

Israeli Voice Index

Across Political Orientations; Jewish and Arab Israelis Have Negative Feelings Toward the Government

Across the Left, Right and Center, rates of Jewish Israelis who say the feel "anger," "disappointment" or "frustration" are considerably higher than those expressing satisfaction, pride, or trust. A large majority of Israelis (70%) support the establishment of an inquiry into the events of Oct. 7th, but do not agree on the timing of such an inquiry. 


A Two-Tiered Process of Accountability for October 7

A state commission of inquiry is a vital step, but it is up to the public to ensure Israel's leaders are truly held accountable.


Official State Commission Sends Warning Letters in Submarine Acquisition Inquiry

The State Inquiry Commission on Naval Vessels was tasked with examining the decision-making processes at both the professional and political levels between 2009-2016 in relation to the acquisition of naval vessels during those years. 


What's A Commission of Inquiry? Explainer

A state commission of inquiry was established on January 23, 2022 to investigate Israel’s acquisition of submarines and other naval vessels. Earlier this week, it sent ‘letters of warning’ to Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior officials. Dr. Dana Blander, a research fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, explains the differences between Israel's various types of commissions of inquiry.


Don’t Manage a Crisis under Threat of Investigation

Calls for the establishment of a state commission of inquiry the day after the corona, in the midst of the crisis, can lead decision-makers to make decisions based on wrong considerations


Hebron Shooting Demands IDF Investigation

IDI's Prof. Amichai Cohen explains why Israel had to launch a swift and effective investigation into the actions of the solider that shot a neutralized terrorist in Hebron. This article originally appeared on the Times of Israel


The Palestinian Authority and the International Criminal Court

A discussion of the Palestinian Authority's declarations to the International Criminal Court (ICC), the changes that influenced the ICC prosecutor's decision to accept the PA's second declaration, and the conditions that must be fulfilled in order for the ICC to apply its jurisdiction to IDF actions or to the settlement enterprise.


A Betrayal of International Law

In a Jerusalem Post op-ed, Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer argues that by breaching their responsibility to be impartial, the  UN Human Rights Council and its commission for investigating alleged war crimes in Gaza are betraying international law, even if unintentionally.


Investigating Allegations of Violations of the Laws of War by the IDF during Operation Protective Edge: The Alternatives Available to Israel

How should suspected violations of the international laws of war be investigated? As Operation Protective Edge winds down, Prof. Yuval Shany and Prof. Amichai Cohen discuss the options of an internal investigation by the IDF, an international investigation, and an Israeli commission of inquiry.


The Role of a Legal Advisor during Times of Combat

IDI Researcher Attorney Eli Bahar discusses the central role that members of Israel's system of legal counsel play in formulating the rules of what is permissible during warfare in real time, during the fighting, in order to ensure that Israel's citizens will not be ashamed of themselves after the fighting ceases. 


The Goldstone Retraction: Better Late than Never, and an Opportunity to Reconsider

Judge Richard Goldstone’s retraction of his commission's finding that Israeli actions in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead deliberately targeted civilians righted a historical injustice. But did the actions of the State of Israel contribute to the false impression received by the Goldstone Commission? In this op-ed, IDI Senior Fellow Prof. Yuval Shany explores the question of whether the Israeli government should also search its soul and consider participation in future international commissions of inquiry.


Opinion: Will an Investigative Committee be Set up to Evaluate Goldstone’s Findings?

As calls for an independent Israeli investigation of the events of Operation Cast Lead grow stronger, IDI's Dr. Dana Blander looks at the history of Israel's investigative committees.


Opinion: Goldstone Notwithstanding, IDF Obligated to Investigate Conduct

This op-ed by IDI Prof. Yuval Shany argues that despite the Goldstone Report’s shortcomings, it strengthens the demand to investigate claims raised against the IDF through an extra-military entity. As he sees it, the main question to address is whether the army's internal investigation of "Operation Cast Lead" meets the requirements of international law.