Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen, Prof. Yuval Shany
Prof. Cohen and Prof. Shany discuss three possible rationales for the ICJ's rejection of Israel’s security concerns and offer a few final observations on the appropriate balance that should hold between security considerations and continued presence in occupied territories.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
It is increasingly clear that Israel’s future depends on the forging of two coalitions. One is a multinational alliance determined to turn the Palestinian issue from a driver of conflict into an engine of peace. The other, is an internal Israeli coalition ready to pursue a series of bold social, economic, and political reforms.
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Lior Yohanani, Yaron Kaplan
The majority of the Jewish public (56%) think that securing a deal for the release of the hostages is the highest priority; a higher share of Jewish respondents think Trump would be better for Israel as US president; most Israelis think that celebrations of Israel's 76th Independence Day should be more restrained and less prominent this year.
Written By: Dr. Shany Mor
Even if the agreement with the UAE leads nowhere, the taboos that have been broken will be difficult to reconstruct.
Prof. Amichai Cohen explains the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Land Arrangements law.
Written By: Colonel (Res.) Dr. Liron A. Libman
On January 21st, the ICC’s pre-trial court decided to reject the prosecutor’s request to allow her to submit a petition - on technical grounds. So what's next?
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi
A majority of Israelis gave high grades when assessing Israel’s preparedness for war in three areas: the IDF’s combat readiness, the resilience of the population on the home front, and the political echelon’s decision-making ability concerning the objectives and management of the war. At the same time, Israelis do not think highly of the preparedness of the home front regarding protection of civilian facilities.
Written By: Dr. William Cubbison
For the past few decades, support and opposition to a two state solution has been a fault line dividing people and parties in Israel. Dr. William Cubbison presents an overview of the level of Jewish support in the 25 years since the signing of the Oslo Accords.
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Prof. Ephraim Yaar
Half of the Jewish Israeli public think that Palestinians deserve an independent state, but believe that the two-state solution would be impossible to implement.
Written By: Dr. Nasreen Haddad Haj-Yahya
The majority of the Arab public want to be included in the State’s decision-making processes, and support Arab ministers serving in the government.
Written By: Marissa Newman
Israelis may have given up for now on peace, but still want peace talks. Arab Israelis are more optimistic than their Jewish counterparts about state’s future.
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen, Adv. Tal Mimran
A discussion of the Palestinian Authority's declarations to the International Criminal Court (ICC), the changes that influenced the ICC prosecutor's decision to accept the PA's second declaration, and the conditions that must be fulfilled in order for the ICC to apply its jurisdiction to IDF actions or to the settlement enterprise.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner
In an op-ed in <em>The Jerusalem Post</em>, IDI President Yohanan Plesner stresses that Israel's adherence to international law is not a source of weakness, but rather one of its greatest strengths.
Written By: Admiral (Res.) Amichay (Ami) Ayalon
Admiral Ami Ayalon asserts that the winner of today's wars is the side whose story is perceived as just, and argues that without a diplomatic track, Israel cannot win the war, even if the war is justified and Israel adheres to international law in the face of terrorists who violate it.
Written By: Prof. Ofer Kenig
Dr. Ofer Kenig presents some of the milestones in the career of Ariel Sharon, the 11th Prime Minister of the State of Israel.
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen
What is the significance of the UN decision to grant the Palestinian Authority the status of a non-member observer state? IDI Research Fellow Dr. Amichai Cohen explores this question from a legal standpoint.
Written By: Ido Rosenzweig, Frances Raday
Prof. Frances Raday and Adv. Ido Rosenzweig analyze the conclusion of the Israeli government's committee on the status of Israeli building in the West Bank, which was headed by former Justice Edmond Levy, and raise questions based on International Law and United Nations resolutions.
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen
The Palestinian Authority has announced its intention to declare the establishment of an independent Palestinian State in September 2011, and to ask the U.N. to recognize that state. What is the significance of U.N. recognition? Can the U.N. establish a state? Find out in this legal analysis by IDI Research Fellow Dr. Amichai Cohen.
Written By: Prof. Yuval Shany
United Nations recognition of Palestine as a state would confront Israel with complex challenges, but would also have some hidden benefits. IDI Senior Fellow Prof. Yuval Shany describes the risks and potential opportunities contained in such international recognition.
Written By: Dr. Jesse Ferris
IDI Vice President of Strategy Dr. Jesse Ferris argues that the one- and two-state paradigms are no longer relevant and suggests a redrawing of boundaries among Israel, Jordan and Egypt instead.
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen
A key component of US President Trump's 'Peace to Prosperity' plan is the clause allowing Israel to annex parts of the West Bank. What do Israelis and Palestinians say about this plan and what would it look like on the ground? Prof. Amichai Cohen has all the answers in this explainer