Written By: Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer, Adv. Mirit Lavi
An in-depth analysis of the advisory opinion of the ICJ on the legal consequences of Israel's policies and practices in the 'occupied Palestinian territory.'
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen, Prof. Yuval Shany
The ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel's policies in the territories of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) are illegal but was more divided on other salient factual and legal findings.
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen
The US, the UK, France and other states have announced the imposition of economic sanctions on Israeli residents who are believed to be complicit in 'settler violence.' This document aims to outline the framework of international economic sanctions and contextualize the sanctions imposed on Israelis.
Written By: Colonel (Res.) Dr. Liron A. Libman
The expiration of the Judea and Samaria Law will have dramatic consequences for both Israelis and Palestinians. Is there a way to bypass this expiration? Will Israelis residing in the territories be able to vote in the elections? What else is at risk?
Written By: Colonel (Res.) Dr. Liron A. Libman
The bill to extend the validity of regulations that apply Israeli law to Israelis living in Judea and Samaria failed to pass the preliminary Knesset plenum vote Monday - Dr. Libman explains the law's history and its implications
Written By: Yair Sheleg
How does Israel’s national-ultra-Orthodox population (“Hardalim”) combine ideals of the "new Jew" with their ultra-Orthodox religious world view?
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen, Prof. Yuval Shany
What are the possible human rights implications of annexing parts of the West Bank? In these experts from a more detailed analysis in Hebrew, IDI detail the rights that might be violated if the plan moves forward.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner , Prof. Yuval Shany
IDI President Yohanan Plesner and VP of Research Prof. Yuval Shany held an online briefing for the diplomatic community in Israel focusing on potential plans by the government to apply sovereignty in parts of the West Bank.
Written By: Yohanan Plesner , Prof. Amichai Cohen
IDI experts held today an online briefing focusing on potential plans by Israel's government to apply sovereignty in areas of the West Bank as part of the U.S’ ‘Deal of the Century’
Written By: Prof. Amichai Cohen
Israeli's Supreme Court ruling on the Regularization Law touches on the heart of the legal battle inherent in the power struggle between settlers and Palestinians.
Prof. Amichai Cohen explains the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Land Arrangements law.
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi
The Israeli Voice Index for April 2020, found that 52% of Jewish Israelis support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's stated policy of extending Israeli sovereignty in the West Bank, however only 32% believes Israel will move forward with this in the coming year.
Written By: Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi
The August 2019 Israeli Voice Index found that Jewish Israelis show a strong preference for a unity government while Arab Israelis prefer a center-left wing government led by Gantz and that over the past five months there has been a steady decline in the public’s optimism about the future of Israel’s democracy and security
IDI's Guttman Center for Surveys examines Israelis' attitudes towards the continued presence in the territories as we move into the 50th year following the Six Day War. Participants discuss the security situation, their factual knowledge of the situation in the West Bank, and their predictions for the future of the territories.
The majority of Israeli Jews (52.8%) say Israel applies the law equally toward Jews and Palestinians living in the West Bank, contrary to a statement made last month by U.S. Ambassador Dan Shapiro. However, 50.1% of respondents thought Israel would be justified in unequal application of the law toward Jews and Palestinians in the territories.
Written By: Prof. Ofer Kenig
Dr. Ofer Kenig presents some of the milestones in the career of Ariel Sharon, the 11th Prime Minister of the State of Israel.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
Is it advisable to hold a referendum on a peace deal involving territorial concessions? In an article originally published in the Israeli Bar Journal, IDI Vice President Prof. Yedidia Stern expresses his reservations—and proposes an alternative.
Written By: Prof. Yuval Shany, Ido Rosenzweig
In an op-ed originally published in Haaretz, IDI Senior Fellow Yuval Shany and IDI Researcher Attorney Ido Rosensweig critique an amendment that would allow interrogations of security defenders to go unrecorded, and warn that it is against public interest.
Written By: Dr. Amir Fuchs
Attorney Amir Fuchs responds to Research Fellow Yair Sheleg's article "Appropriate and Inappropriate Evacuation," and takes exception to some of the arguments that it raised regarding the evacuation of settlements in Judea and Samaria on the basis of property rights.
Written By: Yair Sheleg
IDI Senior Researcher Yair Sheleg shares his thoughts on the differences between the evacuation of Yamit and the Sinai Peninsula in the past, and the upcoming evacuations of Migron and the Ulpana neighborhood of Beit El.
Written By: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer
If Israeli performing artists consider the establishment of settlements in Judea and Samaria to be immoral, is it wrong for them to refuse to perform there? In an op-ed in Haaretz, IDI Vice President of research Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer defends such boycotts as an exercise of the right to free speech and protest.
Written By: Prof. Yedidia Z. Stern
Is the boycott of the town of Ariel, which is located over the Green Line, by Israeli performing artists legitimate? In this op-ed from Yedioth Ahronoth, IDI Vice President Yedidia Z. Stern warns that this type of organized opposition to democratic decisions endangers the delicate fabric of Israeli life.
Written By: Dr. Jesse Ferris
IDI Vice President of Strategy Dr. Jesse Ferris argues that the one- and two-state paradigms are no longer relevant and suggests a redrawing of boundaries among Israel, Jordan and Egypt instead.
Written By: Yair Sheleg
While pending the possible decision to evacuate settlements in Judea and Samaria, IDI Research Fellow Yair Sheleg offers a new model of evacuation, based on the Algerian evacuation model, altered to fit Israeli reality.
In addition to questions about building in or annexing parts of Judea and Samaria, the Peace Index looked at aspects of the investigations of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, including trust in the police and in the attorney-general. In light of what has been revealed about conversations between Netanyahu and Yedioth Ahronoth publisher Arnon Mozes, the Peace Index looked at the public’s attitude toward Israeli media.