
Publications Regarding Corruption



Putting Knesset Members Above the Law

The amendment to the Immunity Law proposed by MK Tally Gotliv would allow MKs to grant themselves immunity from criminal and civil prosecution, undermining equality before the law and creating inherent conflicts of interest that disproportionately protect coalition members from accountability.


Four Comments on the Decision to Dismiss the Head of the Shin Bet

On March 16, 2025, Prime Minister Netanyahu announced his intention to bring the dismissal of Ronen Bar, the head of the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet), Israel's internal security service, to a vote of the full cabinet. Though not a perfect comparison, the Shin Bet is often seen as comparable to the FBI in the US.  


Does the Minister of Justice Have Immunity?

In response to a petition filed against him regarding the intentional delay in appointing a president of the Supreme Court, Minister Levin claimed that it is impossible to sanction him because he enjoys “substantive immunity.” A closer examination of the law reveals that this is not the case.


The Police Commissioner’s Response to the Attorney General is Worrying, Erroneous and Dangerous

The Police Commissioner's decision to terminate the Israel Police Legal Advisor without consulting the Attorney General to whom the Police Lega Advisor is professionally subordinate the most recent worrying sign of the problematic relations between the Attorney General and various government officials.


Investigating Allegations of Detainee Abuse is Israel’s Moral and Legal Duty - And a Diplomatic Necessity

Investigating allegations of abuse at the Sde Teiman detention facility is Israel's moral and legal duty as a rule-based democracy and protects the country on the international legal and diplomatic front. 

Special Project

The Judicial Overhaul and Anti-Democratic Initiatives - Part II

IDI experts outline the initiatives and measures undertaken by the government that, taken together, constitute a concentrated effort undermine Israel's democratic institutions. At the core of these efforts is a dramatic attempt to weaken the status of the Attorney General; increased politicization of the police; continued undermining of the independence of the judiciary and more.


Official State Commission Sends Warning Letters in Submarine Acquisition Inquiry

The State Inquiry Commission on Naval Vessels was tasked with examining the decision-making processes at both the professional and political levels between 2009-2016 in relation to the acquisition of naval vessels during those years. 


A Rise in Complaints of Police Violence

The increase in the number of complaints of police violence submitted to the DIPI over the last year raises serious questions, especially in light of the timing in which the current Government and Minister of National Security took office. This research surveys the trends in complaints of police violence. 


Digital Antisemitism: The Largest Propaganda Machine Since the Holocaust

We have entered an era of "digital antisemitism." It is driven, first and foremost, by the insufficient enforcement of moderation policies on social media platforms


What the Mount Meron Disaster Commission of Inquiry Teaches us about a Future Commission of Inquiry on the October 7 Massacre

Israel's Commission of Inquiry into the Mount Meron disaster released a report that criticizes shortcomings in the culture of accountability in Israel. The Committee distinguished between personal responsibility and ministerial responsibility and offered important recommendations, including for police operations during mass events.


What's A Commission of Inquiry? Explainer

A state commission of inquiry was established on January 23, 2022 to investigate Israel’s acquisition of submarines and other naval vessels. Earlier this week, it sent ‘letters of warning’ to Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior officials. Dr. Dana Blander, a research fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, explains the differences between Israel's various types of commissions of inquiry.


Enough with the Censorship?

Attempts by the Prime Minister to influence the Chief Censor may indicate a concerning erosion of the Military Censor’s independence and professionalism. Clearly, state secrets must be protected, especially during war, but there are better ways for this to be accomplished, more suited to a democratic state.


Q&A: Plea Bargain Agreements

As former Prime Minister Netanyahu weighs the option of a plea bargain, IDI experts weigh in on the legal standing of such an agreement and its ramifications.


How to Eradicate Government Corruption

Among other things, government corruption deals a blow to the country’s economic vitality, and makes it less attractive to investors and entrepreneurs.


Wanted: A Minister of Transparency

Government transparency means responsibility and accountability – core values that should be independent of political agenda

Press Release

Proposed Immunity Bill – Contempt for the Rule of Law

The current proposal conveys a harsh message of contempt for the rule of law and is in sharp contrast to the current trend in democratic countries


Netanyahu vs. the State of Israel?

While the final decision about an indictment will not be made until after a hearing, with the publication of the draft indictment, the Prime Minister must decide whether he will launch a public campaign under the reverse heading: “Benjamin Netanyahu vs. the State of Israel"


Don’t Vote for Parties that do not Operate Transparently

These elections provide us with an opportunity to raise our voices on the need to regulate the parties’ conduct so that they operate transparently and are accountable to the public

Press Release

Response to A-G's Announcement to Indict PM Netanyahu Pending a Hearing

Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, and Prof. Yuval Shany, Vice President of Research "No democracy can tolerate public corruption or any exception to the principle of equality before the law."


Corruption: A Very Glocal Problem

Transparency International is among the most prominent global organizations fighting corruption through exposure, documentation and measurement.
Delia Ferreira Rubio, Chair of the organization, discusses the challenges, pitfalls and goals of their work, while Alona Vinograd of the Israel Democracy Institute brings the question of corruption home to Israel against the backdrop of a heated political stage.


Keep Politics Out of Corruption!

Supporters of this government show increasing tolerance for graft, and this is a red flag for the rule of law in Israel.


Understanding How Bibi's 'Gift Affair' Might Have Happened

In an interview Prof. Yuval Feldman, discusses his new book "The Law of Good People" and sheds light on the connection between good people and corruption.


A Misconstrued Perception of Who the "Bad Guys" Are

Behavioral ethics, a growing area within psychology and management literature, demonstrates that an individual’s unethical behavior is demonstrated through self-deception.

Press Release

Stop politicizing the civil service

IDI President calls on the leaders of the coalition factions to stop politicizing the civil service


The Assault on the Rule of Law

Powerful forces are pushing against the rule of law, attempting to derail it. From the perspective of those who wish to preserve the rule of law, we are living in a Greek tragedy whose dreadful outcome is foreknown. 


Democracy at Risk

Citizens must lead the way in the battle against political corruption.


Turning Back the Tide

To tackle the crisis of democracy we must restore the public's faith in its governing institutions.


Gotta Have Faith: The Knesset's Top Priority for 2017

The Knesset’s top priority for 2017 should be to restore the Israeli public’s belief in its political institutions.


Adviser or Prosecutor? Israel's Attorney General Can't be Both

IDI Vice President Yedidia Stern asserts that there is a conflict of interest between the Attorney General’s two functions—as State Attorney and State Prosecutor—and the office must be split in two. 


Transparency in Local Authority Budgets

Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler discusses the challenges to transparency in the budgets of Israel's local authorities, including the need to make budgets accessible, to enable searches within budgets, and to facilitate comparisons between the budgets of different authorities.


The Holyland Sentencing and the Fight against Government Corruption

In an op-ed in <em>Haaretz</em> published after Ehud Olmert was sentenced to six years in prison, Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer explores the implications of the Holyland case for the battle against corruption in Israel.


The Holyland Sentencing: A Faithful City?

In an article in <em>Makor Rishon</em>, Prof. Yedidia Stern describes his feelings of sadness, pride, apprehension, and hope upon the sentencing of Ehud Olmert to prison for his role in the Holyland affair.


The Struggle against Government Corruption

In an op-ed in <em>Haaretz</em>, Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer discusses government corruption in Israel and the implications of the Holyland verdict for deterring such corruption in the future.


The Israeli Democracy Index: A Periodic Check-Up

Prof. Tamar Hermann, head of IDI's Guttman Center for Surveys, discusses the findings of the 2013 Israeli Democracy Index, which was submitted to President Shimon Peres on October 6, 2013.

Press Release

We expect our leaders to adhere to the highest ethical standards

"The facts revealed yesterday by the police are deeply troubling. Faced with this reality, all those who consider themselves leaders in our community, must come forth and make their position clear, rejecting such conduct forthrightly, lest moral decay spreads through our civil service and public’s trust in the government plummets.”

Research Reel

How to battle government corruption?

In recent years we have seen one Prime Minister, several ministers and numerous mayors charged and convicted on corruption. But most people enter politics for idealistic reasons and with good intentions. So what went wrong? 


A Prime Minister Under Criminal Investigation

A summary of where the law stands regarding alleged wrong doing by the premier, as well as timely suggestions for reform, are in order.

Press Release

The Israel Democracy Institute criticizes decision to reduce search committees for public service employees from 5 to 3 and says discussions of allowing additional political appointees ‘will harm the professional ethos of the public service’

IDI President Yohanan Plesner said of this latest development: “While one hand in the government is taking significant steps to diminish regulation and improve human resources in the public service, the other hand is harming these efforts.