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On the Delicate Balance of the ICJ Decision on Temporary Measures

On the Delicate Balance of the ICJ Decision on Temporary Measures

While neither Israel nor South Africa achieved a complete win, one thing is clear: the story of Israel before the ICJ is only beginning

Justice Aharon Barak's Opinion Illuminated What the ICJ Missed

Justice Aharon Barak's Opinion Illuminated What the ICJ Missed

While the ICJ decision briefly mentions the immediate context of the lawsuit, namely the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, Judge Barak directs them to the full picture that they did not address. He writes about the events of October 7 as Israelis know them to be true.

Statement on the ICJ Decision On Provisional Measures
Press Release

Statement on the ICJ Decision On Provisional Measures

Prof. Amichai Cohen, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute and an expert in international law, made the following comments on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision today regarding provisional measures in the case of South Africa v. Israel on the Application of the Genocide Convention.

On South Africa's Misinterpretation of Amalek in Jewish Tradition

On South Africa's Misinterpretation of Amalek in Jewish Tradition

Beyond the fact that the Torah does not make the call to commit genocide, the Tanach and its interpretations in fact obligate the Jewish people to abide by the laws of war. To a large extent, humanity's earliest laws of war can be found in the Bible. 

Most Israelis Oppose a Hostage Deal in Exchange for a Halt in Fighting and Releasing all Palestinian Prisoners
Special Survey

Most Israelis Oppose a Hostage Deal in Exchange for a Halt in Fighting and Releasing all Palestinian Prisoners

Most Jewish Israelis expect the war to continue for months, while a majority of Jewish respondents oppose a deal for the release of the hostages in return for the release of all Palestinian prisoners and a cessation of the fighting in Gaza. Meanwhile, over 60% of Israelis claim that their personal lives have returned to normal. 

Israeli Public Is Concerned Over Budget Priorities as the War Continues
Special Survey

Israeli Public Is Concerned Over Budget Priorities as the War Continues

This survey was conducted in order to assess public opinion regarding the preferred economic policy in light of the war in Gaza, to identify the main areas of concern to the public, and to examine the public’s views on various social issues.

South Africa vs. Israel at the International Court of Justice: A Battle Over Issue-Framing and the Request to Suspend the War

South Africa vs. Israel at the International Court of Justice: A Battle Over Issue-Framing and the Request to Suspend the War

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague held public hearings in the case against Israel for alleged violations of the Genocide Convention. In this essay we address three aspects of the case: the ways the parties framed the events, the request to suspend Israeli military operations, and the conditions for issuing provisional measures. 

International Court of Justice in The Hague Genocide Proceedings -
Legal Opinion

International Court of Justice in The Hague Genocide Proceedings -

One of the claims brought forth in the Application against Israel that it is committing genocide against the Palestinians is that many senior members of the government made references to the biblical precept to wipe out the memory of the ancient Amaleks. This is my professional opinion on the meaning of these locutions and the use made of them in the Application. 

The Modern Haredi, As Envisioned by Rabbi David Leibel

The Modern Haredi, As Envisioned by Rabbi David Leibel

Recently, a new answer to the dilemma of the 'modern Haredi' has been advanced enthusiastically by Rabbi David Leibel, one that maintains religiosity while increasing civic participation in the economy and in defense of Israel. 

The HCJ Strikes Back: Israel’s Supreme Court Pulls the Plug on “Judicial Reform”

The HCJ Strikes Back: Israel’s Supreme Court Pulls the Plug on “Judicial Reform”

Two judgments issued by the Supreme Court in the first week of 2024 deal a decisive blow to the Netanyahu government’s efforts to radically rebalance the branches of government.

Explainer: South Africa’s Case Against Israel at the International Court of Justice

Explainer: South Africa’s Case Against Israel at the International Court of Justice

The ICJ is hearing allegations that Israel has violated the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. What is the ICJ? How is the government responding? What are the implications for the war against Hamas and Israel’s international standing?
All the answers in a special IDI explainer.

The ICJ Hearings on Israel and the War on Hamas
Special Project

The ICJ Hearings on Israel and the War on Hamas

On January 11th, the court will begin by hearing South Africa’s oral argument, with Israel presenting its counter argument on January 12th.

What does the international law state and what are the possible implications of these proceedings on the ongoing war and Israel’s international standing? We’ve compiled a shortlist of important information you should have.

Can a unified Israel rise from the ashes of the Hamas war?

Can a unified Israel rise from the ashes of the Hamas war?

While we entered this war more divided than ever – and with large numbers even saying that they believed civil war to be a possibility – Israelis today are united in their determination to win.

International Law and the War in Gaza
Research Reel

International Law and the War in Gaza

IDI's Prof. Amichai Cohen answers a series of questions on international law and its dealings with the laws of war.

The Verdict is in: Checks and Balances are Here to Stay

The Verdict is in: Checks and Balances are Here to Stay

This decision refocused our attention not only on the specific law it struck down but also on the unfinished business of completing our country’s constitutional framework

What Was the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Revocation of the Reasonableness Doctrine? Eight Key Points

What Was the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Revocation of the Reasonableness Doctrine? Eight Key Points

The Supreme Court's ruling to strike down the amendment made to the Basic Law: The Judiciary and reinstate the Standard of Reasonableness is a landmark decision on an issue that has been exceptionally divisive within Israeli society. Will this lead to a constitutional crisis? 8 Key points from IDI's experts examining the court's decision.

The Supreme Court Ruling on Canceling the Reasonableness Clause—Implications

The Supreme Court Ruling on Canceling the Reasonableness Clause—Implications

The Supreme Court ruled that the Court has authority to perform judicial review on Basic Laws, and that an intervention was necessary in the case of the amendment to the Basic Law: The Judiciary revoking the Standard of Reasonableness. What are the implications?

Most Israelis Oppose Meeting US Demands to Shift to New Phase of War
Israeli Voice Index

Most Israelis Oppose Meeting US Demands to Shift to New Phase of War

About two-thirds (66%) of Israelis say they do not think Israel should agree to US demands to shift to a phase of the war with a reduced heavy bombing in populous areas. 75% of Jewish Israelis oppose meeting the demands, compared to only 21% of Arab Israelis.

Selective Use of Facts and the Gaza Genocide Debate

Selective Use of Facts and the Gaza Genocide Debate

The recent application by South Africa to the International Court of Justice brought against Israel under the Genocide Convention illuminates how international law and international institutions can be employed to address the Israel-Hamas war.

Israel Democracy Institute Statement on Israel's Supreme Court Ruling
Press Release

Israel Democracy Institute Statement on Israel's Supreme Court Ruling

The Israel Democracy Institute issued the following statement on the High Court of Justice’s decision to strike down the amendment passed in July to the Basic Law: The Judiciary, eliminating the Court’s use of the Reasonableness Standard.

Doing Away with the Standard of Extreme Unreasonableness

Doing Away with the Standard of Extreme Unreasonableness

The coalition has voted to amend Basic Law: The Judiciary and repeal the Standard of Reasonableness used to review government decisions that are deemed to be extremely unreasonable. On September 12th, the Supreme Court will hear petitions against the constitutionality of this move.

Unreasonableness and the Judicial Overhaul - Survey Analysis
Special Survey

Unreasonableness and the Judicial Overhaul - Survey Analysis

Data indicates that less than a third of the public supports barring the Supreme Court from intervening in decisions by politicians or public officials.

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Israel’s Unfinished Democracy

As the international community ponders Gaza’s post-war future, Israelis are increasingly focused on what the ‘day after’ holds for their politics and society.

A New Social Contract with the IDF? On the Benefits of Waiting to Decide

A New Social Contract with the IDF? On the Benefits of Waiting to Decide

The need for expanded IDF service is clear—but the options for achieving this are rife with political contention and economic consequences. The time to rethink long-term security arrangements is after the fog of war lifts, under newly elected leaders with broad public legitimacy. 

Where was God on October 7? A different perspective

Where was God on October 7? A different perspective

The horrific October 7 massacre undoubtedly surpasses the savagery of any other wave of terrorism Israel has ever seen. In the face of barbarity, we are called to challenge prevailing conventions, to abandon simplistic arguments, and to move toward more complex ideas that may light the path for some of us.

Most Arab Israelis: October 7 Attack Does Not Reflect Islamic, Palestinian, or Arab Society Values
Special Survey

Most Arab Israelis: October 7 Attack Does Not Reflect Islamic, Palestinian, or Arab Society Values

56% of all Arab Israelis say the attack by Hamas on October 7 does not reflect Arab society, the Palestinian people, and the Islamic nation. 33% say it does and 11% are unsure.

Israel's War in Gaza and International Law

Israel's War in Gaza and International Law

International law is a normative system that regulates the conduct between states, organizations recognized by international law and at times, individuals. This explainer presents an overview of international law in conflict and its application in Israel's war against Hamas.   

Coalition and Political Funds: Main Conclusions

Coalition and Political Funds: Main Conclusions

Coalition funds have been part of the budget-making progress for years. This study examines the trends in the use of these funds under the last three governments. One can see that the volume of coalition funds has grown up to fourfold within two Governments and that their breakdown has been less professional and more directed to interest groups.

Even on the Right, Israelis Want Elections Immediately After the War
Special Survey

Even on the Right, Israelis Want Elections Immediately After the War

Two thirds of Israelis do not think that the government currently has a clear plan of action for the next day and the majority, even on the right, believe elections should be held as soon as the war ends. Even so, no significant movement is currently indicated between the political blocs. 

Reflections from an Israeli Delegate at the UN Climate Conference in Dubai

Reflections from an Israeli Delegate at the UN Climate Conference in Dubai

Even in these dark times, Israelis must hold on to the imagination, ingenuity, and entrepreneurial spirit to face the global challenges that lie ahead.