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What Does International Law Have to Say Regarding War?

IDI's Prof. Amichai Cohen answers a series of questions on international law and its dealings with the laws of war.


What Are the "Laws of Armed Conflict" And Who Is a Legitimate Target?

IDI's Prof. Amichai Cohen answers a series of questions on international law and its dealings with the laws of war.


What Does Proportionality in War Mean?

IDI's Prof. Amichai Cohen answers a series of questions on international law and its dealings with the laws of war.


Is Israel Doing Enough to Abide by International Law?

IDI's Prof. Amichai Cohen answers a series of questions on international law and its dealings with the laws of war.

The Verdict is in: Checks and Balances are Here to Stay

The Verdict is in: Checks and Balances are Here to Stay

This decision refocused our attention not only on the specific law it struck down but also on the unfinished business of completing our country’s constitutional framework

What Was the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Revocation of the Reasonableness Doctrine? Eight Key Points

What Was the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Revocation of the Reasonableness Doctrine? Eight Key Points

The Supreme Court's ruling to strike down the amendment made to the Basic Law: The Judiciary and reinstate the Standard of Reasonableness is a landmark decision on an issue that has been exceptionally divisive within Israeli society. Will this lead to a constitutional crisis? 8 Key points from IDI's experts examining the court's decision.

The Supreme Court Ruling on Canceling the Reasonableness Clause—Implications

The Supreme Court Ruling on Canceling the Reasonableness Clause—Implications

The Supreme Court ruled that the Court has authority to perform judicial review on Basic Laws, and that an intervention was necessary in the case of the amendment to the Basic Law: The Judiciary revoking the Standard of Reasonableness. What are the implications?

Most Israelis Oppose Meeting US Demands to Shift to New Phase of War
Israeli Voice Index

Most Israelis Oppose Meeting US Demands to Shift to New Phase of War

About two-thirds (66%) of Israelis say they do not think Israel should agree to US demands to shift to a phase of the war with a reduced heavy bombing in populous areas. 75% of Jewish Israelis oppose meeting the demands, compared to only 21% of Arab Israelis.

Selective Use of Facts and the Gaza Genocide Debate

Selective Use of Facts and the Gaza Genocide Debate

The recent application by South Africa to the International Court of Justice brought against Israel under the Genocide Convention illuminates how international law and international institutions can be employed to address the Israel-Hamas war.

Israel Democracy Institute Statement on Israel's Supreme Court Ruling
Press Release

Israel Democracy Institute Statement on Israel's Supreme Court Ruling

The Israel Democracy Institute issued the following statement on the High Court of Justice’s decision to strike down the amendment passed in July to the Basic Law: The Judiciary, eliminating the Court’s use of the Reasonableness Standard.

Doing Away with the Standard of Extreme Unreasonableness

Doing Away with the Standard of Extreme Unreasonableness

The coalition has voted to amend Basic Law: The Judiciary and repeal the Standard of Reasonableness used to review government decisions that are deemed to be extremely unreasonable. On September 12th, the Supreme Court will hear petitions against the constitutionality of this move.

Unreasonableness and the Judicial Overhaul - Survey Analysis
Special Survey

Unreasonableness and the Judicial Overhaul - Survey Analysis

Data indicates that less than a third of the public supports barring the Supreme Court from intervening in decisions by politicians or public officials.

Israel’s Unfinished Democracy

Israel’s Unfinished Democracy

As the international community ponders Gaza’s post-war future, Israelis are increasingly focused on what the ‘day after’ holds for their politics and society.

A New Social Contract with the IDF? On the Benefits of Waiting to Decide

A New Social Contract with the IDF? On the Benefits of Waiting to Decide

The need for expanded IDF service is clear—but the options for achieving this are rife with political contention and economic consequences. The time to rethink long-term security arrangements is after the fog of war lifts, under newly elected leaders with broad public legitimacy. 

Where was God on October 7? A different perspective

Where was God on October 7? A different perspective

The horrific October 7 massacre undoubtedly surpasses the savagery of any other wave of terrorism Israel has ever seen. In the face of barbarity, we are called to challenge prevailing conventions, to abandon simplistic arguments, and to move toward more complex ideas that may light the path for some of us.

Most Arab Israelis: October 7 Attack Does Not Reflect Islamic, Palestinian, or Arab Society Values
Special Survey

Most Arab Israelis: October 7 Attack Does Not Reflect Islamic, Palestinian, or Arab Society Values

56% of all Arab Israelis say the attack by Hamas on October 7 does not reflect Arab society, the Palestinian people, and the Islamic nation. 33% say it does and 11% are unsure.

Israel's War in Gaza and International Law

Israel's War in Gaza and International Law

International law is a normative system that regulates the conduct between states, organizations recognized by international law and at times, individuals. This explainer presents an overview of international law in conflict and its application in Israel's war against Hamas.   

Coalition and Political Funds: Main Conclusions

Coalition and Political Funds: Main Conclusions

Coalition funds have been part of the budget-making progress for years. This study examines the trends in the use of these funds under the last three governments. One can see that the volume of coalition funds has grown up to fourfold within two Governments and that their breakdown has been less professional and more directed to interest groups.

Even on the Right, Israelis Want Elections Immediately After the War
Special Survey

Even on the Right, Israelis Want Elections Immediately After the War

Two thirds of Israelis do not think that the government currently has a clear plan of action for the next day and the majority, even on the right, believe elections should be held as soon as the war ends. Even so, no significant movement is currently indicated between the political blocs. 

Reflections from an Israeli Delegate at the UN Climate Conference in Dubai

Reflections from an Israeli Delegate at the UN Climate Conference in Dubai

Even in these dark times, Israelis must hold on to the imagination, ingenuity, and entrepreneurial spirit to face the global challenges that lie ahead.

A Blow to Internal Security Governance in Israel

A Blow to Internal Security Governance in Israel

During the October 7th attacks, the home front became the front line with Israelis attacked in their own homes. This new reality led not only to a beefed-up presence of police and military forces in public spaces, but to civilian-based security initiatives in many communities. Finding the right balance between the police and civilians is imperative to providing much-needed safety and security for all Israelis.

Nation-State Law Explainer

Nation-State Law Explainer

Fact Sheet: The Basic Law: The Nation-State

The Hostage Situation in Gaza and the Responsibilities of the International Community

The Hostage Situation in Gaza and the Responsibilities of the International Community

This article discusses the responsibilities of the international community with respect to the ongoing war in Gaza, and particularly focusing on responsibilities with regard to the hostage situation. 

Israelis Sharply Divided on the Question of a Two-State Solution in Return for US Assistance
Israeli Voice Index

Israelis Sharply Divided on the Question of a Two-State Solution in Return for US Assistance

Among Jewish Israelis, 75% on the Left support making progress toward a two-state solution to the conflict in return for American assistance, compared to 45% in the Center and only 21% on the Right.

Explainer: Civilian Defense Squads in Urban Settings

Explainer: Civilian Defense Squads in Urban Settings

In recent weeks, since the outbreak of the war in Gaza, some 800 new civilian defense squads have been set up throughout Israel. Each squad consists of local residents who serve as civilian operational reserve forces, available for rapid deployment to assist national security forces during security events and emergency situations.

Enough with the Censorship?

Enough with the Censorship?

Attempts by the Prime Minister to influence the Chief Censor may indicate a concerning erosion of the Military Censor’s independence and professionalism. Clearly, state secrets must be protected, especially during war, but there are better ways for this to be accomplished, more suited to a democratic state.

Press Release: Overwhelming Majority of Jewish and Arab Israelis: The Release of all Hostages is an Important Goal
Press Release

Press Release: Overwhelming Majority of Jewish and Arab Israelis: The Release of all Hostages is an Important Goal

When asked if these goals are important, 93% of Jewish Israelis and 66% of Arab Israelis say the goal of releasing hostages is an important goal. 90% of Jewish Israelis and 61% of Arab Israelis say the same of the goal of “restoring deterrence.”

International Press

Yohanan Plesner on Fox News | "It's the cause of Freedom"

Yohanan Plesner, president of IDI, spoke with BBC News' Ben Brown as wide-scale protests erupted in Israel following the harrowing murder of six Israeli hostages by

International Press

Yohanan Plesner, President of IDI on PBS | The War with Hamas

Yohanan Plesner, President of IDI on PBS Newshour: "In 2014, there was an attempt by Hamas to launch the exact same thing... just that time, they failed."

Slamming wartime misinformation while shaking hands with the man responsible for it

Slamming wartime misinformation while shaking hands with the man responsible for it

Israeli leaders are calling for the end of disinformation in the war while shaking hands with the man behind so much of it - Elon Musk. The current war has turned X into a human behavior experiment, and we are the lab rats.